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The Origin of Thaloria

This is a short write up describing the origin of my world, Thaloria. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

It hurtled through space, relentless and unseen—a phantom, gliding through the darkness with no regard for the celestial objects it passed. Imperceptible to the human eye. Undetectable by any known scientific instruments.

The year was 2112, and humanity, in its arrogance, believed it had mastered the Earth. We had populated every sliver of land, solved climate change, and tamed the forces of nature—until it arrived.

The unobservable mass of dark matter, the size of a planet, entered our atmosphere while the world remained blissfully unaware of its deadly approach. It passed through the sky like a whisper and burrowed deep beneath the Earth's crust, making its way to the core.

We did not notice it at first—the shift was subtle and slow, like a great beast waking from a long slumber. But soon, the signs became impossible to ignore. Deep underground, the temperature of the Earth's core rose beyond anything we could comprehend, like a pot boiling over, ready to explode.

On the surface, the consequences were even stranger, more terrifying. The DNA of nearly every plant and animal was altered in unimaginable ways, triggering mutations that defied the laws of biology. Trees twisted into grotesque shapes, their bark glistening with unnatural hues. Creatures once familiar to us—cats, birds, insects—transformed into things out of nightmares. Even people began to change. Loved ones turned before our eyes, their bodies warping, growing foreign. Into what, we could not yet understand.

Chaos reigned. Fear spread like wildfire, but we had not even grasped the full horror of what was to come.

No one knows which continent was the first to explode, but the devastation was immediate and global. Volcanic eruptions began, fierce and unstoppable, the ground cracking open as fire spewed forth. Earthquakes of unprecedented magnitude tore through the land, splitting the ground as mountains rose and fell. The Earth itself was remade in a violent upheaval, shaking off its old skin and reforming anew. Mile-high tsunamis surged across the remnants of cities, sweeping them away as if they had never existed. It was as though the planet had been set afire, placed in a jar, and shaken violently.

Within days, light from the sun was all but extinguished. Ash and dust choked the atmosphere, plunging the world into an endless twilight. Only one place escaped the suffocating darkness—a newly formed stretch of land south of the equator, where the skies remained eerily clear. In mere weeks, ninety-nine percent of all life on Earth had been wiped out, leaving behind only echoes of the world that once was.

This event that reshaped our world and wiped out the majority of life on the planet would forever be known as “The Shift.”

Over time, the oceans calmed; the atmosphere cleared; and the land began to heal. The scars of The Shift remained but nature, in its quiet persistence reclaimed what had been lost. And life? Well, life is resilient—stubborn.

Two years after The Shift, the survivors—those few who had huddled in caves and shelters, waiting for the end—emerged into a world reborn. The landmass south of the equator, a new continent they called “Thaloria,” became a sanctuary for life. The plants and animals that had endured were strange, exotic, and formidable, thriving in this new world as if they had always belonged. In the violent upheaval of the planet, new species were awakened. Creatures that were myth and legend in the old world were now a reality.

The small band of human survivors had adapted to the harsh new reality of Thaloria, living among other species unknown to the old world. Their resilience deepened, their instincts sharpened by necessity, but they still clung to the same hopes, fears, and desires that defined them before. They learned to endure, to bend without breaking, to navigate a wild and unpredictable world.

By the year 32 AS (After the Shift), Thaloria had become a land of wonder and peril, a place where science collided with magic and technology coexisted with the arcane. Creatures once thought to exist only in myths now roamed freely—fauns, wendigos, krakens, sentient plants, and a single dragon. Many species had flourished and settled into groups of distinct races, each adapting to the environment they called home. Some chose the dense jungles where magic fluttered on the tips of leaves, others the windswept deserts or the towering mountains.

The remnants of old civilizations were scattered and all but forgotten, buried beneath a new and absolute power—Lord Solomon.

Civilizations and outposts dotted the landscape, connected by treacherous trade routes. The technology of the old world had become a distant memory, replaced by archaic modes of transportation and tools made from the remnants of the Earth. Some of these new races remained isolated, guarding their secrets, while others ventured boldly into uncharted territories, seeking riches or alliances—or war.

Though the Earth itself had changed, some things remained eternal. Fear and greed corrupted hearts; but love, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond of family endured like an eternal flame, guiding even the most lost souls through the darkest of times. The primal forces of nature had reawakened, but so had the resilience of the living. In the face of overwhelming odds, the inhabitants of Thaloria fought to rebuild, to carve out a life in this strange, new world.

It is a world ripe with challenges, filled with danger at every turn, but also with adventure. For those brave enough to venture, it holds secrets beyond imagination, treasures hidden in its depths, and the promise of new beginnings. This is not just Earth reborn—it is Thaloria.


Certainly and intriguing setting!

I do have a few questions that may be worth clarifying a bit in your setting synopsis.

1: Where did the name Thaloria come from? Why do people call it that?

2: Why is the whole earth now called Thaloria?

3: How did the people that survived the Shift get to Thaloria (the new continent)?

4. Who is Lord Solomon? What gives him the right to claim supreme executive power over everybody?

I don't think it would be a good idea to explain all of these in depth in your synopsis, but I do think a short blip about these things might make these points feel more significant.
Thanks for the questions. As far as the name Thaloria. I don't yet have a backstory for the origin of the name. In fact, I'm glad you brought this up so I can change the wording a bit. The whole earth is not called Thaloria. It is just the new land mass that developed from the Shift. The survivors were actually hiding in caves on Thaloria and survived the shift. So they were already there. As far as Lord Solomon, he is a major player and the main antagonist in the story. I will reveal more of him as I continue writing and building the world.
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I really dig the concept of post apocalyptic fantasy and this seems in line with that idea. I'm interested to see where this goes in terms of a rebuilding of civilization through this sort of magical fantasy adjacent world. This bit about the world being under an endless twilight save for Thaloria has me interested as well. Is Thaloria the only inhabited place or were there holdouts from the darkened regions?

Again this makes me curious as to what Solomon's deal is. Recalling from your other post he comes off as a big bad evil guy who dabbles in profane science, and here we learn he's also a ruler. This guy gets around.

Overall very interesting, thank you for sharing.


This sounds really interesting! Great work!

I guess I am most curious why the mutations and other things caused by the shift ended up creating known fantasy creatures like wendigos, fauns, and krakens instead of just bizarre mutants. Is the idea that these creatures of myth existed in an older magical age and have been brought back, or is it that the mythical ideas of them have somehow been made reality by magic? Because you used the word 'awakened,' I'm assuming it's the former?

I'm also curious why there would be such strong divides between different races just 32 years after the shift, considering that they would need to band together to survive. "Many species had flourished and settled into groups of distinct races, each adapting to the environment they called home. "

Also, it seems to me like they've managed to adapt and expand a lot more in just 32 years than would be expected, but perhaps not.

My final thought (sorry these are so disorganized) is that it seemed to me to be totally unbelievable that earth managed to fix itself in less than a hundred years from now to be so perfect just before the shift. "The year was 2112, and humanity, in its arrogance, believed it had mastered the Earth. We had populated every sliver of land, solved climate change, and tamed the forces of nature." I don't see how this contributes to the story either, as the earth could be in any sort of condition before the shift and the rest would still work just fine. Again, though, that is just my personal opinion.

Overall it's absolutely fascinating, and I hope to hear a lot more about your world!