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So what do people think of using third party transcription services for your drafts? Basically, I find it much easier to record and put together a spoke draft of a chapter (not to mention quicker in the midst of a hectic lifestyle) and I've been looking at paying someone to transcribe it. What do people think? Ever done this before? Experiences/thoughts?


Felis amatus
I've tried dictating. I can't get the story to flow with that approach so I gave up on it. If it works for you, then go for it.


In the same as SP. I just can't speak my writing out like that. Even with voice recognition software it just doesn't have the same mojo.


Article Team
What ever works for you. You never know unless you try it. If memory serves David Weber dictates into a voice recorder and has an assistant type out the manuscript because a wrist injury prevents him from prolonged typing.

If I'm not mistaken windows already has speech-to-text capabilities. All you have to do is speak into a microphone and it translates into text in what ever program you use. Quality of results may vary. There's also Dragon Naturally speaking, a piece of software that some authors us for speech-to-text.

For me, I tried it, and things just... click... better when I type. The words when I type come out more coherent and less ramblely when type. BUT I do occasionally use a voice recorder when I'm in the car and a scene, mostly an argument, falls out of my brain and I need to get the points down before I forget.
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