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Travels With My Aunt


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… by Graham Greene; on any given day I would describe as my favourite novel. Tis an adventure you see, or a road map to one way to live a good life, if you read the signs. On other days I sing the praises of the Boudicca series by Manda Scott; most consider the books historic fiction but there is a magickal presence in all of them so I consider the series fantasy. If I ever feel that I consistently write as well as Ms Scott I will shift to the afterlife a satisfied woman.

For much of my writing life I’ve told the stories of other people. I was well rewarded for my work but eventually I reached the point when I had to begin telling my own. Fantasy is the only genre that calls to me and I think I come by the love honestly. My Mom taught me to read using books of fables, fairy tales and myths, filling my head with wonder and an immortal belief in magick. That was a long time ago but my head is still full of wonder, I live there most of the time, and the magick in my life is real. Yes, there’s a novel in the works, the first of many.

As to the mundane: I live in Toronto with my partner of twenty years, my work is writing, my favourite Potter character is Severus Snape, my favourite colours are red and black worn together. I’m rambling, if you’ve questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
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Myth Weaver
Welcome Alexandra
Thank you for your introduction.
If you can live with magic and wonder every day, then you are a very luck person.
Have you read any Graham Shelby? He wrote 'Knights of Dark Renown' [historical fiction about the crusades] which I greatly enjoyed the last time I read it.
Pull up a seat and join in the craic.
[I am ashamed to say that I haven't read any Graham Greene]
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Closed Account
Have you read any Graham Shelby? He wrote 'Knights of Dark Renown' [historical fiction about the crusades] which I greatly enjoyed the last time I read it.

No, I'm afraid I've not read Graham Shelby. The historic fiction I've read in the past has been focused on individuals rather than events, so although I've read Manda Scott's Boudicca series I've not read much on the Roman occupation of Britain. The historic fiction I'm reading now is tied into my writing; my primary antagonist in my book controls a spy ring (among other things) so in order to better understand spying in a medieval-like world I've got a couple of books on Francis Walsingham (Elizabeth I's spymaster) on my to-read list. I don't feel the need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to background information and I often use history as a source of inspiration.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to welcome me to this forum. I hope I'll at least be entertaining.
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