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I by accident put my story into the rules about setting up a story to be critiqued, Not sure as to how I can rectify this problem.
Draft 8 is out to beta readers and I am building my query list and supplies for getting an agent!
Your magic system doesn't have to be wholly different or better than anyone else's. It can be, sure, but it doesn't HAVE to be.
Yay, I've made it to four years as a Scribe :D Thx for all the laughs and fun memories y'all.
Hello, if anyone wants to check out my worldbuilding project, you can visit my website https://www.gotterhavn.com
My novel is also available to read for free there! Or you can listen to the audiobook on YouTube here:
Feel free to ask me or leave a comment!
Thank you :D
Returning after long hiatus when life was a storm. I work in a library now and get to read and write on the job!
Editing, cutting, editing, cutting. 22.000 words left to get rid off (sigh)... but I will do it!
Hi all, just a shoutout to say thanks. :) At the mo, I am only posting on my blog. I am working on a bigger project too, and possibly self-publishing at the end of the year, so I am going to be scarce. Love and blessings. Xxxx