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This or That? v3.1

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Jelly Belly because [insert self-depreciating mildly amusing fat joke here] and 41 flavors.

Use of index finger: E.T. or Richard Pryor?

[NOTE: Links are work safe. The Richard Pryor link starts the video post-F-bomb. Language warning if you watch the half-minute clip from the beginning.]


Richard Pryor. The man is almost as legendary as you.

Funnier dressed in human clothes and doing human things:

Chimps or orangutans?


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
Inter-Dimensional Travel.

Speaking of: Would you rather live in Westeros or take part in the Hunger Games?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I'll take my chances in Westeros. Chances of survival are above 4%, I think, and I don't have to kill a dozen teenage girls to survive.

How about worst fictional place to live that's actually a real place?
Hawaii in Hawaii Five-O or Canada in Rookie Blue?

Yes, one cop show can make a tropical paradise or an entire huge country look like a dangerous place to live.


Canada. In Hawaii at least you would be warm.

John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. Greatest western actor of all time?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
—especially if you're getting blown to bits.

On that note, Eastwood.

Coolest guy: The Fonz or Mick Fanning?

BONUS: What did the coolest guy (whoever you picked) do to the shark?
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I personally like John Wayne better... But Eastwood is really good too.

Colt .45 or Winchester Rifle??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Bed of living wiggly fingers because… oh dear God! I said too much!

Fire an endless stream of hadoukens at your opponent, or pick him up, jump fifteen feet into the air while spinning 5760˚, and land sitting on your opponent's face.
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Tough one Reaver. Ken's the cool guy with the slick hair, but Ryu's got the wandering mystic thing going on. But then Ken is also rich. But Ryu's stronger. Oh geeze. Tough one. Egh. I'm going with Ryu, because I'd get to hang out with Sakura and she's pretty great.

Giant robots or giant monsters?


Giant Monsters, giant robots could have technology that could really screw up any attacks against them.

"The Lord of the Rings" movies or "The Hobbits" movies?


Myth Weaver
Lord of the Rings. Full stop. FAR superior, even with their flaws.

Star Trek: The Original Series or Star Trek: The Next Generation?


Star Trek: TNG because it debuted when I was at the perfect age to appreciate it. Of all the series, DS9 is my favorite.

Vulcans or Romulans?