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  • Heck, they could even weave the buildings they need, creating organic, strong, but elegant architectures.

    I'm not sure what substance would be appropriate... maybe some kind of calcium carbonate, the same substance that sea shells are made of.

    Wouldn't that be a perfect Venusian civilization, where the cities are made of giant sea shells? :)
    I was thinking something like that...

    The Vultex - a hand-held, seed-shaped object that expands to form energy weaves.

    Used singly, it can create a net, that envelops the target, immobilizing it.

    They can also use it in conjunction with others to create an interlinking web, the more participants, the stronger the web. Also can be used as a shield. It enables a sort of visual coordinated telepathy, to help the group visualize the structure they need.

    It also has other uses:

    Over time, it can draw atoms from the surrounding and form solid structures, sort of like a mold. It could be used to create a bridge, a tool, a splint for a broken limb, binders (handcuffs). They share and learn recipes. An interesting twist on the idea of 3D printing.
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