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Beta reader wanted


I just finished my book. It's an action, adventure story on a sci-fi setting. It's a full length novel with 62,000 words divided to 13 chapters. Even though I already published it, I still need some opinions on how to further improve it. Is there anyone here interested in becoming my beta readers? I can take criticism very well, as long as it's constructive. My book is available in 3 formats, mobi, epub and pdf


If its already published then we'd hardly be beta readers hehe. I tend to do beta reading for people on a chapter by chapter basis. A chapter is finished then we critique it, and so on until the book has gone some way towards a final draft. I'm not very quick at reading full novels unlike some people you see, but I'll happily ... tell you what I think of the first three (or however big the sample size is for 62k).

And if I really like it you can be sure I'll want more ;)


This might be a little off topic, but why would an author want to publish a work before he/she thinks it's ready--still needs improvement?

If one is hoping to garner readership, offering the best that can be produced (when a work is ready) is a better way than publishing a draft that still is in need of revision. Sometimes an author only gets one shot with a reader(s). Dissapoint them and will they return?
With self published ebooks, depending on distribution means, edits post release become possible but certainly not recommend, especially heavy overhauls. I would not like much more than punctuation or spelling corrections. Altering the actual story post edit, no way, that would really tick me off as a reader. Get it right the first time.


You may have better luck asking in a writing forum for Science Fiction, as we're mostly Fantasy here... Some do read and write both genres, of course, but we are known for fantasy alone.


sorry I just realized that I used the wrong term, what I actually meant was reviewer and critique. I hired a couple editors to work for me and I think I already got rid of the majority of the grammar and spelling problem. Now I just want someone read my work and tell me what they think