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Questions for beta readers


I didn't really know where I should put this question, this seems like the best I coudl find: is 'trading beta reader services' something that's done here? Trying to find someone here who you will think will appreciate what you've written and offer to read his work with the same care and attention you hope he does with yours. Ofcourse, I thinks it's important to be ethical with a thing like this.

I'm asking because I don't want to violate any forum rules in case I want to try and reach out in this way.

You can use the Writing Groups forum for activities like this. In my experience, it takes awhile to develop a solid network of partners, years sometimes. To do so effectively, you need to make yourself constantly available to review other people's work. If you find someone that has the right experience, ability, & commitment...strike a bargain.


toujours gai, archie
Also, don't look in just one place. For example, I picked up a beta reader (not as sleazy as it sounds) who is here at Mythic Scribes but whom I "met" via a Facebook group connected with NaNoWriMo. To reiterate T.Allen.Smith, you have to put in the time and effort, sometimes an inequitable amount. But it's worth it.



Thanks, added! I like having one BIG list people can read in forum rather than referring to a bunch of links... well, no reason not to have both. Just saying, I like to hear original thoughts.

1. Any structural issues?

2. Any subplots left unresolved by the end?

3. Were there any scenes that pushed your suspension of disbelief too far?

4. What are your thoughts about the ending? Did it work? How could it be improved?

5. What was your overall takeaway after you finished reading?

6. Did you encounter any continuity issues?

7. Is the narrative to linear?

8. Were there any scenes that jarred you out of the story flow, or just felt out of place?

9. Was there any dialogue that felt stiff, unnatural or out of character?

10. Did any of the text formatting (paragraph breaks, italics, etc.) lend toward confusion rather than improving the ease of reading?

11. Did you expect the ending or was it surprising? If surprising, did it still manage to feel inevitable, like a promise delivered but in an unexpected way?

12. Do any characters act or speak too similarly?

13. Was any description, action, or concept unclear?

14. If this book were part of a series, would you want to read the next book?

15. At what point did you feel like “Ah, now the story has really begun!”

16. What were the points where you found yourself skimming?

17. Which setting in the book was clearest to you as you were reading it? Which do you remember the best?

18. Which character would you most like to meet and get to know?

19. What was the most suspenseful moment in the book?

20. If you had to pick one character to get rid of, who would you axe?

21. Was there a situation in the novel that reminded you of something in your own life?

22. Where did you stop reading, the first time you cracked open the manuscript? (Can show you where your first dull part is, and help you fix your pacing.)

23. What was the last book you read, before this? And what did you think of it? (This can put their comments in context in surprising ways, when you find out what their general interests are. It might surprise you.)

24. Finish this sentence: “I kept reading because…”
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