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  • So...how long have you been writing and stuff?
    I started to get serious about writing in 1998. My first novel, Flank Hawk, was published in 2009.
    I have a question: is Blood Sword a stand-alone novel? Or should I read Flank Hawk first? It's not really clear just by looking at the covers.
    So, is it for reading or for writing? I'm kinda confused
    LitRPG is a subgenre of fantasy & SF. There are plenty of LitRPG books out there to read. But also, if you write, and have an interest in RPGs, it is an opportunity to author books in that subgenre. (there is also GameLit, which is similar)

    I hope that clarifies things. I had to separate the previous two posts because of word limitations imposed, so that might have confused things more.
    Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying :) I do have some experience with writing within the role-playing genre. It's really fun to work with.
    My novels are Flank Hawk, and it's sequel, Blood Sword. They're mainly available online (print and ebook formats) but they can be ordered from brick and mortar bookstores. It's very unlikely you'll find one just sitting on the shelf. Here's a link that might be helpful:

    Thanks for considering giving my works a shot. :)
    What's the name of your book? I seem to remember seeing the title, but I can't remember what it is. I'm between books right now, and I was thinking of picking yours up. Where is it available?
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