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  1. I

    Casting Fire from Food

    So, according to some Pignite's Pokedex entries, it has the ability to convert the food it eats into the energy necessary to create fire internally (Fennekin is very similar, but it eats twigs and sticks instead of actual food). I'm currently designing a tribe of mages with the ability to...
  2. Bestiary

    Stallyeks (S.T. Ockenner + Sheilawisz)

    Stallyeks! These dangerous Stallyek monsters are somewhat similar to a squirrel, except that they have very large and pointy ears, very long straight horns, a protruding snout and when standing on their hind legs they are over three meters tall! The Stallyek has nightmarish claws and very sharp...
  3. Toby Johnson

    What are some good side quests?

    In one of my latest books I want a list of side quests so that, if the story just gets a bit bland and boring: such as walking though a forest, I can add in something to break it up. The story is set in Medieval fantasy and my characters in the group are and elf, a dwarf, a wizard, and a human...