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  1. LieutenantWolf34

    Seeking Ideas For Magic-Users In The Early 19th Century

    I'm world-building for an alternate history version of Belle Epoque with magic and the like. While I already had some ideas which will be listed below I'm seeking ideas for any more magic users. On Magic Magic is well known in this world being used for many things all the way up to the...
  2. S.T. Ockenner

    Odd Powers For Wizards

    Does anyone here have wizards with strange powers? Example: I have a wizard who can light his tongue on fire, and anything he pees on comes to life.
  3. WooHooMan

    Organizations for wizards, mages and other magic users

    So, I've been thinking: how do magic users organize themselves or how are they organized by others? In a setting where using magic (by whatever definition of magic you want to use) is a skill to learn or an ability to use, would it then be necessary for magic users to organize themselves in...
  4. Orc Knight

    Wizards just buff or buff Wizards?

    In the continuing talks of magic systems, I am going for, well another magic. Your world's magic users and the stereotypes generally associated with them. Are they the sort who despite being able to nuke half a continent with a fireball, a featherweight who a kindergartner can throw around with...