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A Gambit suddenly appeared


I'm new of course. I've only recently found this forum when hunting some reference and inspiration for fantasy writing. It was neat to find this place and hope to stick around to speak amongst the rest of the forum members about various topics.

About me: It's mostly drawing and writing that often handle with. Usually I would toy around with drabbles before drawing out it's story; not like a picture book. I can't really describe it well; it's a practice thing I guess.

I usually favor bizarre stories that have unusual conclusion, but I do love a well written fantasy novel as well, and some humor to go with that as well. Especially stories about elves, fairies, and the like.

Stories I often prefer to write are more young adult leaning stories, but I'm not afraid to drift in the erotic genre either.

I could say more, only I'm out of words at the moment.

Sorry for the redundancy of my introduction, I'm writing this whole thing on a phone. You know how it is.

So that's that. If the community is nice enough, then I'd be more than happy to stay.



Thanks for the warm welcome. Sorry I couldn't reply sooner; I kind have forgotten about this place until I scanned my recent bookmarks.

It's reorganized now, so perhaps now I can visit more often.