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A.I. didn't work that well for me.


So I messed around with an A.I. writing tool last night.

I wanted to see if it could prompt a few ideas about a chapter I’ll be writing soon. It should go without saying I had no intention of using any of its prose.

I had to use around 200-300 words to set things up, but that wasn’t nearly enough it turns out. My story just has too many details, constraints, history, and general rules to follow that it makes it rather too cumbersome to deal with. Just teaching it how the magic works, I would probably need 500-1000 words. I re-wrote the prompts a few times, adding details, but it didn’t help all that much.

Anyway, not surprisingly, it generated very generic stuff, nothing I couldn’t come up with myself. And since my brainstorming for my story has been working pretty well lately, I’ll just stick to that.

The A.I. is pretty clever, to be sure, and if I was writing something different, it might have sometimes been helpful.

Interesting little experiment. I’m sticking with what I know works.


toujours gai, archie
I'm with you, Incanus, without having tried very hard. I have plenty of ideas, lots of revision to work on just now, and am not inclined to learn what amounts to another way of conversing. Maybe I'll dip the toe in again when I start up a new story.

That said, I continue to be very interested in the topic over all. There are aspects of AI outside of story generation that seem important and worth paying attention to.


Even though it didn't yield anything worthwhile, I thought trying the experiment was worth doing. It was... interesting.

Like anything, one could get better at it. I'd have to mess around more to get the promptings working right. But even then, it's really not up to the task. I'm sticking with tried and true-------


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
I've found it pretty helpful. I wouldn't use its text in a book or article, for all the reasons. But's it's been great for talking through things, and having it list 6 or 10 or even 20 ideas can help save a lot of time. But I don't expect it to give me the answer. I prompt it so that it will prompt me. And, it takes a bit of a conversation. The more you can narrow the subject and talk through your thought process, the more useful it is.
The draw is, in part, that "pretty generic" is still better than some human writing I've gone through, beta-reading for a couple of authors.

I also think that it might be slightly stronger if you write your whole story using it, since you can use what came before as input for the next bit. Though you'd still end up with the same bland prose and wandering plot. After all, the AI doesn't know the concept of a story, or plot, or characterization, or any of that. It just guesses what the next word needs to be (in a very elaborate fashion).

I agree that AI can be helpful just to have someone to throw ideas at. Just asking it to give me 10 different exotic fantasy monsters in a Assirian desert setting is a nice way to get some random stuff thrown at me which can let me build on it and shake up my thoughts. It's useful to challenge my own ideas and get me out of my head for a moment.


I have no doubt people have done useful things with it. I could probably learn how too.

But last night, I went with non-A.I. brainstorming and came up with what I needed. I'll be back to half-drafting tonight.

Having it create lists sounds a bit more useful than what I tried. I'm not sure how to go about that. I don't need much in the way of world-building at this point.

I was mostly interested in some small-scale plot ideas, like what kind of obstacles/problems two of my characters have in navigating through an abandoned town/city where a small group of enemies also are. It just generated generic fighting stuff and couldn't come up with something like a plan the characters make and then have it not go well. It seems it can't piece together different levels of plot into a single focused scene.

It doesn't know my world, characters, theme, background info, and I don't have the patience to teach it.

My plot ideas lately have been working out pretty well lately, so I'll just continue with that.