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Bloke in London


Hello Scribers, hope you are all well.

I'm just a bloke in London thinking of writing a fantasy story, so I guess this is the place to talk about it?


Cheers for the replies everyone.

JBCrowson I actually live in Kent and went to uni in Canterbury, so could be!

I honestly wasn't gonna post about this but can't seem to get it out my head. So for the masochistic, here are the raving ramblings of an imbecile:

I don't know why but a working series title is something like RealmWorld.. Does that sound lame? I'm open to any suggestions haha. I have fragments of a plot in my head, for an opening scene, 3 story arcs, a cast of characters. The setting is pretty weird I think, it's mostly medieval typical sword and sorcery but with gunpowder so I guess could be 18th century, almost a Western? The civilisation also has basic steam power, so a few trains and steam powered weapons. Another unusual aspect of either one, or more of the kingdoms / continents is they can harness basic hydroelectric power from large megalithic stones left by a previous ancient society that they have built their equivalent of cathedral/mosques around. So a handful of main cities channel this hydro power for low power electricity to light public streets and city homes and provide warm water. (Need to develop further). Magic is quite rare but exists in shadows and secrecy. A female herbalist and mage is a key character for example so it does drive narrative.

A few inspos are Robert E Howard, Fritz Lieber, Glen Cook (Black Company), Gemmel to name a few. Obvs also RRMartin however ironically, I had this idea 10 years before GOT but when that show came out I was like, OK this guy is on the right track in terms of character originality and brutal fantasy realism. Also want the style to be closer to a pulp potboiler (faster pace, less worldbuilding and description). Many chapters flash forward and back in time for suspense. It's very grimdark tbh, slightly Tarantinoesque maybe. Certainly not for kids.

Tbh I don't want to inflict more incoherent madness in written form on public interwebs. Happy to share the story arcs and further deets to create a private chat or social group and collab to develop potentially as a novel if anyone is somehow interested/ insane.

This is a really cool place anyway... those articles on stuff like how to get army size accurate are awesome.
Welcome kent, bloke from London. I’m just a lass from Yorkshire, or should I say the Shire? East Farthing to be exact. You’re in good company with Howard and George RR Martin. I’m also trying to write fantasy, albeit with a few less wenches than Martin writes. I have to say I prefer more description, but maybe one day I’ll prefer something faster paced, although to be fair it all depends on the story and prose style!


Cheers for the replies everyone.

JBCrowson I actually live in Kent and went to uni in Canterbury, so could be!

I honestly wasn't gonna post about this but can't seem to get it out my head. So for the masochistic, here are the raving ramblings of an imbecile:

I don't know why but a working series title is something like RealmWorld.. Does that sound lame? I'm open to any suggestions haha. I have fragments of a plot in my head, for an opening scene, 3 story arcs, a cast of characters. The setting is pretty weird I think, it's mostly medieval typical sword and sorcery but with gunpowder so I guess could be 18th century, almost a Western? The civilisation also has basic steam power, so a few trains and steam powered weapons. Another unusual aspect of either one, or more of the kingdoms / continents is they can harness basic hydroelectric power from large megalithic stones left by a previous ancient society that they have built their equivalent of cathedral/mosques around. So a handful of main cities channel this hydro power for low power electricity to light public streets and city homes and provide warm water. (Need to develop further). Magic is quite rare but exists in shadows and secrecy. A female herbalist and mage is a key character for example so it does drive narrative.

A few inspos are Robert E Howard, Fritz Lieber, Glen Cook (Black Company), Gemmel to name a few. Obvs also RRMartin however ironically, I had this idea 10 years before GOT but when that show came out I was like, OK this guy is on the right track in terms of character originality and brutal fantasy realism. Also want the style to be closer to a pulp potboiler (faster pace, less worldbuilding and description). Many chapters flash forward and back in time for suspense. It's very grimdark tbh, slightly Tarantinoesque maybe. Certainly not for kids.

Tbh I don't want to inflict more incoherent madness in written form on public interwebs. Happy to share the story arcs and further deets to create a private chat or social group and collab to develop potentially as a novel if anyone is somehow interested/ insane.

This is a really cool place anyway... those articles on stuff like how to get army size accurate are awesome.
I believe you got a look here if Fall-Out & Warhammer & Medieval Times merged together and I kind of like the setting.

I definently believe the Steampunk Era could fit perfectly with the book as well.

If you want some inspiration, you could look up Steampunk machinery, such as old trains or look into Assassin Creed: Syndicate Sketches.

They might give you an idea if you would want to continue building this kind of world.


I believe you got a look here if Fall-Out & Warhammer & Medieval Times merged together and I kind of like the setting.

I definently believe the Steampunk Era could fit perfectly with the book as well.

If you want some inspiration, you could look up Steampunk machinery, such as old trains or look into Assassin Creed: Syndicate Sketches.

They might give you an idea if you would want to continue building this kind of world.
Thanks for your input! I played Fallout 4, was cool. There is def some post-apocalyptic influence for me, Jeruslaem Man and maybe even some of Mad Max in some ways.

Only interaction with Warhammer was the Citadel Combat top trump card game which I collected as a kid. It was very cool but I don't know much about the IP characters / lore.

Will checkout that AA recc as never played any.. Steam is not a big aspect of this story really, I've never even read any steampunk TBH... is this hydroelectric western punk? However it would be great if someone could explain if a steam powered machine crossbow and a tank are feasible!! Yes I've prob lost my mind.
I think a ballister sized steam machine crossbow would be feasible. Hand held is harder as the steam generating fire and water tank would be both large and heavy even if the insulation could be sorted. If you had a hand held device that had a pressurised cylinder of steam that could permit a limited number of shots that might work, though running round a battlefield with a pressurised gas cylinder in your hand would be a tad risky.
A city's defense could include use of water wheels (or steam power) to power catapults, ballisters, onogers, spitfires, mangonels.


That's super helpful thanks JBCrowson .

Imagine a large armoured tank but double width and double height, almost half tractor/ bulldozer with large spiked back wheels and mounted crossbows. A Mad Maxesque industrial military type vehicle. If I made this steam powered, would that be feasible on context of my story?

Last thing.. if this is OK with the mods and community I was thinking of starting a live doc and putting down an outline of my story and making a start on chapters. I can share the link with anyone here to access/ edit and add comments etc. Is that a thing that people would be interested in collabing on? Any advice appreciated!

Thanks again Scribers.

Diana Silver

The setting and state of technology sound awesome to me. With just a hidden touch of magic to help the plot of the ground... I'd be intersted if I read that in a blurb. Good luck writing! Go get them letters on the pages ^.^

I can't speak to what is and isn't allowed to share on the forum, I'm a newby here myself.
That's super helpful thanks JBCrowson .

Imagine a large armoured tank but double width and double height, almost half tractor/ bulldozer with large spiked back wheels and mounted crossbows. A Mad Maxesque industrial military type vehicle. If I made this steam powered, would that be feasible on context of my story?

Last thing.. if this is OK with the mods and community I was thinking of starting a live doc and putting down an outline of my story and making a start on chapters. I can share the link with anyone here to access/ edit and add comments etc. Is that a thing that people would be interested in collabing on? Any advice appreciated!

Thanks again Scribers.
Be careful about where you post things you might ever want to publish - most of the site is visible to public and so publishers would / might regard your work as already published it it's on here. There is a specific forum, critique requests, which is only viewable to members and you can safely post stuff there. It works because everyone who posts there, comments on several other pieces. If you want feedback on an outline you just start a thread to that effect. People are generally both willing to read and make positive comments.

Look forward to 'seeing what you've got' so to speak.


Be careful about where you post things you might ever want to publish - most of the site is visible to public and so publishers would / might regard your work as already published it it's on here. There is a specific forum, critique requests, which is only viewable to members and you can safely post stuff there. It works because everyone who posts there, comments on several other pieces. If you want feedback on an outline you just start a thread to that effect. People are generally both willing to read and make positive comments.

Look forward to 'seeing what you've got' so to speak.
Think I've found the thread it says I need to make 5 posts to join maybe? Will try to add something in there as able!