big business owns the government. Corporations such as Target, Wallmart, General Motors, etc now have a major hand in deciding policy in the country. This has a major impact on how workers are viewed by their companies. A law has passed which most big companies have taken advantage of. An employer has the right to resurrect a former employee after death for continued service to that company. This is part of the contract that the employee signs when hired. This process has been active for several decades, and the Zombie squad is a common sight in many parts of the labor force.
This resurrection process is not cheap, so only big corporations can justify the expense. These zombies cannot follow complex commands and are relegated to performing unskilled labor. however, they are the perfect example of what a good employee should be. They are obedient, are able to work 24/7, dont bitch and moan about work safety or ask for pay, and are cheap to maintain due to not being affected by decomposition. Even better, they don't violate the fair labor standards act set in place by those annoying and ridiculous labor unions which demand a minimum wage and 40 hr working weeks on account of the person already being dead. Its a win-win from the employers perspective!
Can a zombie work force completely overtake the unskilled labor market and replace the living?
This resurrection process is not cheap, so only big corporations can justify the expense. These zombies cannot follow complex commands and are relegated to performing unskilled labor. however, they are the perfect example of what a good employee should be. They are obedient, are able to work 24/7, dont bitch and moan about work safety or ask for pay, and are cheap to maintain due to not being affected by decomposition. Even better, they don't violate the fair labor standards act set in place by those annoying and ridiculous labor unions which demand a minimum wage and 40 hr working weeks on account of the person already being dead. Its a win-win from the employers perspective!
Can a zombie work force completely overtake the unskilled labor market and replace the living?