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Do I Write Fantasy?


Hello, and redundant greetings, as such.

I have recently joined this website, and now find that I may have "mistakenly" entered a strange and foreign land. That is, I may have, but I cannot be certain. Would you lend me an ear? Please. Become part of my problem.
I have completed my novel manuscript. "All well and good..." you may be thinking, "....but what's this got to do with me?" Well, withdraw, and I will tell you:
I labeled my novel "fantasy", but now, I doubt the reliability of this confusive conclusion.., this libelous label. "Maybe..." I reasoned, after surveying the works and ideas of other, "real" fantasy writers "...my story is not a fantasy at all! Maybe it is real, or, at least, general fiction."
Perhaps my only "fantasy" was that I thought my thoughts to be "other-worldly", when, in fact, they were much more closely-related to reality than I..., or anyone else, would have felt comfortable admitting.
Please, any of you. All of you. Come to Showcase and tell me where I am, for I seek to bhore you not with mundane themes such as time, gravity, measurement, fishing licenses and lavatories.
All good fellows, from whichever world(s) you find yourselves presently in.., come to my aid! Read the second chapter of Save A Wish For Later, and tell me wherefore my mind is at. If you direct me to the enchanted land of general fiction, I will neither hate nor despise you. I shall, forsooth, revere your guidance and eat a can of hash in your honor.
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Queen of Titania
Llewellyn, I already checked your story and I would say that you came to the right place: You are writing Fantasy of some kind =) When I discovered Mythic Scribes I also considered that maybe I was not a Fantasy writer (and sometimes I still think that I am something else!!) but I am fine now, and so you will be!!

Please check out my short story The Timelines of Nornium also in the Showcase- the Green Gypsy would be delighted if you shared your can of hash with her =)


Yes, yes. It's definitely fantasy, though the problem may be in categorising the sub-genre. I'm thinking it's possibly a paranormal or an urban fantasy.


Felis amatus
Butterfly - if you get it published, the publisher will decide what subgenre (or even genre) it will be marketed under. I know one author who wrote a Fantasy, and the publisher said "No, change this scene a little and take that one out, we're going to call it Romance." So it was marketed as Romance.

EDIT: This should be to Llewellyn :p
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The Din

Well if it's half as convoluted as your post...

Will check it out when I get enough posts, though I'd have to agree that it's better to just write the thing and let the fellow publishing worry about finding it a genre. (Or better still, make up your own.)


Sheila, Butterfly, et al: Thanks for the support. I hope others enjoy reading Save A Wish For Later
as much as i enjoyed writing it.
Sheila, I'll definitely read your story. Thanks for the offer.:)