My own unasked-for take is that, for me, there are only a few bits of structure that are useful in the original creation. It is useful (again, for me) to know what the end is and the beginning. Sometimes I have something in mind (”this is going to be circular”), sometimes I don’t. For the most part, re-moulding the story into a story structure is better at one of the early revision stages. I read it, and go, “Oh, right — this really a journey story, so the proper end is when the main character comes home. But it’s short, so I can elide most of that…”
But that’s the same sort of editing for me as saying, “Hey, am I doing a scene-sequel thing? Am I giving the emotional responses room to happen, or is it just event-event-event?“
But that’s the same sort of editing for me as saying, “Hey, am I doing a scene-sequel thing? Am I giving the emotional responses room to happen, or is it just event-event-event?“