I'm writing a fanfiction at the moment and i'm stuck on how i could include my own plot and ideas into a world with an already existing plot and storyline. In the fanfic i'm writing it starts off at the beginning of the manga and i plan to add in a character i created into the original plot. How do i mix in my original character into the timeline? I plan on having one of the main characters of the manga a possible love interest for my original character. I also plan to add in a side character/love interest in the future but i'm not sure how to make him "fit in" with the mangas storyline without it seeming out of place and random. so far i've managed to create my original characters backstory and how her past relates to her personality when the manga starts and her connection with my other original character who is also the second love interest.
side question, opinions on x reader fanfiction? can adding romance/drama to dark fantasy and occult fiction work well?
side question, opinions on x reader fanfiction? can adding romance/drama to dark fantasy and occult fiction work well?