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Do you know if there is a plug-in on Photoshop that would allow me to draw forests and mountains like in Wonderdraft?



I ask this question because I noticed that in Wonderdraft, there is the possibility to use brushes to draw mountain ranges and forests by using specific types of mountains and trees, while in Photoshop, we would rather have to draw them manually in an old-fashioned way.

That said, do you think there would be the possibility to instead use brushes to draw landscapes just like we use them for coloring lands or seas or something similar, with or without the help of some Photoshop-designated plug-ins?

That said, thanks you, and have a good night!


Myth Weaver
If photoshop does not have it, i bet someone sells an addon that does. I also bet inkarnate is easier.


I could say that if I prefer using Photoshop, this is because it allows us to create images, photos, and maps with more than 10-20,000 pixels, which is technically impossible especially for Inkarnate and Wonderdraft, and even in MS Paint, it would create too much risk of the file crashing the computer.


Those programs are very expensive, and professional, but you could do it yourself. Otherwise, there would or could be tonnes of professionals, on the net, who could do it for you? Maybe like, draw up some sketches, yourself, put in all those imaginary details, and then send it in, for an appraisal? Otherwise, there are lots of technical manuals, that you could find, for a bit of currency, that deal with that stuff. Like, I had a gif program, and flash, and I just messed around, but they are very professional. The amateurs and pros use the same gear, it seems.


Hi. I just made some searches, and it seems this is possible to download Photoshop brushes more adapted for fantasy maps, but the issue is I'm afraid they are owned by other artists so I could probably not use them, let alone for commercial projects.
You could just draw your own mountains and forests and use those in your photoshop image. Create a few PNG's of mountains and trees, black lines on a transparent background, and simply copy past that into your map. It's pretty much what wonderdraft does.


Hi. I just made some searches, and it seems this is possible to download Photoshop brushes more adapted for fantasy maps, but the issue is I'm afraid they are owned by other artists so I could probably not use them, let alone for commercial projects.
You could just draw your own mountains and forests and use those in your photoshop image. Create a few PNG's of mountains and trees, black lines on a transparent background, and simply copy past that into your map. It's pretty much what wonderdraft does.
This is about perspective as well. Artists may require more specific products for the elitism, but they could also endure a little more free time as well, for perspective. The problem is, they are half way around the world. Where is the fantasy element, is it in speculation?


Good news! I just found a website where we can find fantasy brushes for Photoshop from Janssonius that are licensed under the CC0 license, which I feel could help me a lot. So, thanks for your answers, and have a good day!


Myth Weaver
Way back when, I know there were some free brushes and stuff... 2015-16 or so, when I was working on maps, but I picked up pointers at the Cartographers Guild and developed my own flavor of maps based on tutorials there instead and went with a more satellite-style image of the world.



I ask this question because I noticed that in Wonderdraft, there is the possibility to use brushes to draw mountain ranges and forests by using specific types of mountains and trees, while in Photoshop, we would rather have to draw them manually in an old-fashioned way.

That said, do you think there would be the possibility to instead use brushes to draw landscapes just like we use them for coloring lands or seas or something similar, with or without the help of some Photoshop-designated plug-ins?

That said, thanks you, and have a good night!
Use GIMP. Then you can either download terrain brushes from DeviantArt:
or create terrain brushes yourself.
There isn’t much Psd can’t do. The most experienced designers only know around 20% of its capabilities and functions. There will be a way to achieve what you want. Might be a faff though…