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Fictional Fashion ideas


The Native Grudenians are living in islands that have Volcanos and whirlpools around the make mouths of the islands.

Here's are the fashions that I like the look of:
51 Best Grudenian males fashion images in 2019 | Fashion, Gothic coat, Steampunk coat
82 Best Grudenian Female Fashion images in 2019 | Fashion, Gothic outfits, Winter coats women

Grudenian Male Teenager on Pinterest
10 Best Grudenian Female Teenager images in 2019 | Cool outfits, Fashion, Leggings are not pants

Grudenian Male Child on Pinterest
Grudenian Female Child on Pinterest

I need help with the fashion and the ranks. I need help with which clothing should be the high-status clothing and which items are not?


Clothing is usually determined by environment. Volcanoes and whirlpools and islands - sounds hot, tropical, and that the society is probably sea-faring. So clothes that would make sense for what they're doing every day, made from what's commonly found there or easy to import. The higher classes would probably wear the things that aren't easy to find in that environment. Things that are hard to get because they're not found on the islands, as well as things found on the island that are rare or hard to get. Rich/upper classes would also usually wear things that show that they don't have to work in the same ways as "common" laborers. Long, trailing sleeves and veils, puffy pants - or if the volcanoes are a problem, NOT wearing protective clothing - wouldn't be practical for workers, so the rich might wear them to show off that they don't have to work. Same with clothing that impeded movement, lower classes probably couldn't afford to dress like that normally because they wouldn't be able to work. Basically the opposite of what's practical in your setting. Technology also would play a part - if the society might have things like sewing machines, mechanized looms, and other products of the industrial revolution that would make cloth production easier. Fabrics that were previously time-intensive would become more accessible. It took a long time to be able to mechanize things like embroidery, bead work, and lace, so those would likely still be upper class embellishments (or fancy pieces worn on special occasions).

So first you should look at what resources your island has a lot of, what they don't have a lot of, what they can get, and what they value. Random example - maybe they value sea dragon scales because the dragons are so difficult to kill, so even though they're not beautiful as most would see it, they're considered luxury items. You get the rich wearing them and the lower classes wearing fakes. Also decide what work is common to know how those classes should dress to thrive. Working near lava, any of those coats and things with long hems would probably get you caught on fire for example, but might be something upper classes would wear because they don't have to risk themselves by going near the volcanoes. Or do they? If there isn't a big class divide the fashions may not be that dissimilar, and rich people may have more clothes in better repair with more embellishments, but not dress that differently overall. Also decide technology level to see what fabrics would be easier to get.

Some ideas to get you going anyway - hope it's helpful! :)


Myth Weaver
It definitely looks stylish. But I would want an element of practicality too. The examples look like sunday-best clothing and not day-to-day wear. Up until fairly recently many people would only have one or maybe two changes of clothes that would have to cover all their daily activities. From the images you've shown I take it it is a more temperate if not straight up cold climate. Iceland is coming to mind. Volcanoes? Check, Islands? Check, Whirlpools? Check.
I'd look at their clothing history as a place to riff from. Icelandic national costume


It definitely looks stylish. But I would want an element of practicality too. The examples look like sunday-best clothing and not day-to-day wear. Up until fairly recently many people would only have one or maybe two changes of clothes that would have to cover all their daily activities. From the images you've shown I take it it is a more temperate if not straight up cold climate. Iceland is coming to mind. Volcanoes? Check, Islands? Check, Whirlpools? Check.
I'd look at their clothing history as a place to riff from. Icelandic national costume


Clothing is usually determined by environment. Volcanoes and whirlpools and islands - sounds hot, tropical, and that the society is probably sea-faring. So clothes that would make sense for what they're doing every day, made from what's commonly found there or easy to import. The higher classes would probably wear the things that aren't easy to find in that environment. Things that are hard to get because they're not found on the islands, as well as things found on the island that are rare or hard to get. Rich/upper classes would also usually wear things that show that they don't have to work in the same ways as "common" laborers. Long, trailing sleeves and veils, puffy pants - or if the volcanoes are a problem, NOT wearing protective clothing - wouldn't be practical for workers, so the rich might wear them to show off that they don't have to work. Same with clothing that impeded movement, lower classes probably couldn't afford to dress like that normally because they wouldn't be able to work. Basically the opposite of what's practical in your setting. Technology also would play a part - if the society might have things like sewing machines, mechanized looms, and other products of the industrial revolution that would make cloth production easier. Fabrics that were previously time-intensive would become more accessible. It took a long time to be able to mechanize things like embroidery, bead work, and lace, so those would likely still be upper class embellishments (or fancy pieces worn on special occasions).

So first you should look at what resources your island has a lot of, what they don't have a lot of, what they can get, and what they value. Random example - maybe they value sea dragon scales because the dragons are so difficult to kill, so even though they're not beautiful as most would see it, they're considered luxury items. You get the rich wearing them and the lower classes wearing fakes. Also decide what work is common to know how those classes should dress to thrive. Working near lava, any of those coats and things with long hems would probably get you caught on fire for example, but might be something upper classes would wear because they don't have to risk themselves by going near the volcanoes. Or do they? If there isn't a big class divide the fashions may not be that dissimilar, and rich people may have more clothes in better repair with more embellishments, but not dress that differently overall. Also decide technology level to see what fabrics would be easier to get.

Some ideas to get you going anyway - hope it's helpful! :)



Here are the Grudenian creatures: (Which ones should be the animal clothes that are made out of and which ones should be food? Also, I think Alienkey is a forbidden food and clothing option. The other ones I think are up for grabs. ) As well which creature(s) do you guys think could survive in Volcano islands and whirlpool environment?





























Myth Weaver
If you are looking for a serious answer, then the answer is probably none of them.
If you are looking for the fantasy writer's answer, then all of them. You just have to set it up right so the reader isn't surprised when a tree with tools grows or a Flamgon steps gracefully by...


If you are looking for a serious answer, then the answer is probably none of them.
If you are looking for the fantasy writer's answer, then all of them. You just have to set it upright so the reader isn't surprised when a tree with tools grows or a Flamgon step gracefully by...
