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I found this forum through a link on the VCON website. I'd been toying with the idea of going this year for the first time, but wasn't really that blown away with their offerings for writers. Luckily for me the ad for this place jumped out of the sidebar.

My day job is working as a freelance web designer / graphic artist which allows me to get up in the morning, walk the dog and then sit around my home office in my pyjamas all day. I've only been doing the freelance thing full-time since May of this year, so I'm still seeing how it goes and whether or not this solitary work existence is going to lead me to chewing on the furniture in the end.

I have a rather strange grab bag of creative interests which I would love to share but unfortunately my new blog is still under construction. In the meantime, if you`re at all interested, you can find my for-fun creative work here: http://wynnara.deviantart.com

Last, but not least... I'm working on a novel which has over the years become a novel trilogy since I can no longer fit the whole story into one book. I've been working on it for what I consider to be an embarrassingly long time, but I'm still determined to finish it. I have the very bad habit of writing fifty pages and then getting a brilliant idea and tossing the whole draft. I like stories where the author lays seemingly innocuous groundwork in the beginning and then pays it off big time at the end. In the past, even when I've outlined extensively, these brilliant ideas for the end invariably seem to cause me to tear up the beginning to accommodate these grand schemes. I'm working through this compulsion and am determined to FINISH the current draft of book 1 which I'm about a third of the way through writing now.

Anyways, I come here in search of inspiration and the occassional kick in the ass when it`s required... :D


Hi! Welcome! I've been sitting on some writing for a really, really long time. Now I'm starting to work on it again. Hope you can get going too.

Johnny Cosmo

Welcome. I suspect that my current project is going to take a very long time, but unlike you, I don't even get to the writing before I throw everything out and re-build it.


Ditto. Had 150 pages before I decided the whole thing was junk. SOMEDAY I will return to it and rework it (considering I wrote it 15 years ago...its hard to look back), but for now my current project has taken control of my life and haunts me...and I am perfectly ok with that. Welcome though I am a newbie myself.
Welcome! I liked your art! I can draw a little, but not well enough to illustrate things in my story the way I want.

I recently decided my 96,000 word manuscript isn't good enough and have plans to rewrite the whole thing after I've had a break from it for a while, so you're not alone. Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted, Fairest) talks about throwing out hundreds of pages of work all the time on her blog, which is full of great writing advice, IMO.

Hope to see some of your work in the Showcase soon!
Congrats! It is a huge task that you have set for your self... All the best of luck.

FYI I work from home as well. I enjoy being alone and with no one to tell me what to do or when I can pee I find I am much happier. And the chairs do not have teeth marks! ;)
