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Growing Characters


toujours gai, archie
So a follow-up question is this: what about secondary characters? Is significant change (note the adjective) what separates the protagonist(s) from secondary characters?


Article Team
Spontaneously I'd say no; secondary characters can also go through significant change. I don't think it's as important to go into details about it though. The change in a secondary character can be explained in a more summary fashion than for a main character. Example: "the war had changed him"
It becomes a definitional question. If someone goes through significant change (real change perceived by the reader as opposed to a simple assertion of change by the writer), in what sense are they a secondary character?

I would like to say that if you do real justice to every character then they are all main characters - it's just that some of them don't get much game time in the assemblage of POVs that constitute your story.

Douglas Adams was pretty good at creating interesting, well developed characters just for a walk on part.