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Happy to have found you.


Hello all,

Not much really to say, along with being a mediocre writer, I'm also a mediocre fantasy artist . I've been drawing for the better part of eight years, and earn me keep as a freelance graphic designer. So hopefully I'll be able to help people with cover-designs and what not.

Love reading and writing fantasy so I look forward to seeing your work, and receiving critique of mine :).

thanks guys,

Philip Overby

Article Team
Hi Cortez,

We're happy you found us too! Looking forward to discussing writing with you. Lots of good people to bounce ideas off here, so jump right in!
Ugh, I hate when people call themselves meady-ochre. It's a waste of good mead and pigments.

Welcome to Mystic Scribbles, where upside-down remains upside-down no matter how much we want our own pocket universe.