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I started writing dark-epic-science-fantasy-romance last year, or DESFR. No, I don't think that's a real acronym. Maybe somday.

I published my first book this month! It's Bane War Fury, available on Amazon. Ukraine's fight for freedom and slavic mythology inspired the book.

Since age 7, I've programmed and played computer RPGs. After feeling burned out from the brutalness of being a software engineer in my mid-40s, I watched an Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary about how he changed from body building to acting, and felt inspired to write.

I enjoy science fiction and fantasy, but when put together as sci-fan, I truly love it.

My biggest hope is to connect with other writers, share ideas, read each others snippets, and learn--I'm still a newbie.

My writing site: Jeff Johnson's Writing Blog

Emrick Norr

Welcome Jeff. I looked at your website, interesting excerpt you have on there. Good writing I think.

Best of luck with your projects.


Myth Weaver
Arnold is a inspiration in many ways. And....most of his movies are pretty good.

I saw a speech he gave on success. He was saying that he knew at a young age what he wanted, and was driven to get it. That once he knew, once he decided, he was not going to be stopped form his path. I believe in all of that, only....most people don't ever know what they want. The greatest gift was knowing that. Especially at a young age. I cant say that happened for me, but I am glad it happened for him.

King Conan, Arnold....I am still waiting...