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Hi all

Thanks for letting me on board :) I have six children, am heading towards 53. My oldest son is a programmer, and my youngest two, 8 and 10 just love building barns etc on Minecraft. Somehow, I manage to write a lot. I have only written two fantasy stories. I was very brave and submitted the first one. I love writing poetry too.


Myth Weaver
Yep, I pretty much gave up TV and video games to make time myself. I dont miss them.


Myth Weaver
Welcome aboard! I ditched sports and most tv/movies. So many time sinks out there. I pretty much only read my own work and maybe manage 1 other novel per year, LOL.


Myth Weaver
I read a lot of stuff from people here, and do enough to say I do my homework.

I much prefer to write and create. I write sword and sorcery fiction. Heavily, or not so heavily, inspired by a lot of things you would know. I have Three and a quarter books written, in my current big tale, and am trying cross the T's and dot the I's for the first one presently. I want it published this year.

Where would one find the book you said you published? or where was it submitted?
Shoo, well done. I haven't written a full length novel yet. Only short stories, novelettes and novellas. I submitted it to Bear Publications. They take shorter stories. This ones about 8 000


Myth Weaver
I used to do shorts long ago, but its not really the venue for me. I dont really think in small story format. I just kind of forced it to get a faster path to feedback. I got one one or two published and won a contest way back when. But...I prefer the larger tale, of course.

I am happier with novel length stuff.

So why fantasy for you?
Well, it's a bit of a new thing. I was writing romance, and inspirational, but I set myself a challenge. It turned out to be great fun. I had already written a novelette with a made up island world and culture.


Myth Weaver
Put romance and fantasy together. The audience for that is already large.

Had you sought to submit any romance stories?
Yes, but mainly self published. And quite a bit of poetry. Very healing. Just submitted a children's story with some fantasy in it. Picture book, so pretty easy.


Myth Weaver
Nothing wrong with self published. Its becoming the new normal anyway.

You did a picture book? did you illustrate it?


Myth Weaver
You hired an artist?

From what you said above, I think you are in a good spot, there are large markets for Romance + Fantasy, and children's books.

I fear my market is more limited....but it is what it is.
Thanks for the encouragement. I think there's a pretty big market for fantasy. At the end of the day, you should write what you like. I just sent my manuscript in. If they like it, they will provide an illustrator. I'm not too keen on traditional publishing, having been burnt in the past, but I decided to be brave. Years ago, I had a children's book accepted here in South Africa, did the editing. They had an illustrator lined up, but they never got back to me. Well, I did contact them, but they said I just had to wait or send it to another publisher. Self publishing has its benefits for sure


Myth Weaver
Well, you're in good company. Not many go the traditional route here. Some do. But they both have their ups an downs. I prefer self published. It going to be my first path. It has a lot of risks, but I maintain control. It suits me.

People form all over the world here. I am not aware of another from South Africa though. Isn't that crazy. I walk just ten feet away from my computer, and my chances of running into someone from South Africa are next to zero, even if I go off a hundred miles in any direction. But here....I think the US could be the minority.