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Hi all


Myth Weaver
For me its like....take advantage of all their resources, but lose control, or keep control and have a high learning curve. But...I can learn the curve, so...ill be better off going through it. Just becomes how much money and energy do I want to spend. I am not sure yet.
The satisfaction you feel when you do, is worth it. Anyway, you can still submit your stories. I see there are quite a few places that accept fantasy submissions (unsolicited)


Myth Weaver
If I did shorts stories, I would do that. But I am too far down my own path to change up now.

Even as I post, I am editing it now, making ready to publish. I will be out of this phase in maybe a week. Maybe two, but not more.

I'm pretty much ready with everything else.
Yes, I can imagine you would need to keep your focus. I have just started writing an outline for a new story as we chat. Keeping my options open on the length. May make a bit of a project out of it and see if I can get to 50 000 words or so. Not sure. Well, I'll sign off, and write a bit more and finish my tea. Thanks so much for the chat and kind words. See you around and let me know how you get along with the publishing.


Myth Weaver
Hey Alison,

Your story posted in Portfolios cannot be commented on. If you are looking for feedback it would be better to post it in writer's work.