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Hi there


Hi there,

My name is Arron, I'm a married-with-1 from the north of England. I've been reading fantasy for about 12 years, and have had numerous ideas buzzing around in my head for writing for a few wears, but through a busy job and family life I've never had much chance beyond a few scribbles in my notebook. I'm hoping that interaction here will stimulate me to get serious about penning my ideas into something readable, and am looking forward to learning from all of you.



Guru Coyote

Welcome Arron!
You can be sure that interaction here is stimulating, and if you do have some writing you'd like help with or comments on, the people here are all friendly and helpful.
Welcome to the Scribes Arron, the talent, knowledge and wisdom gathered here is truly something. I've been very lucky to learn from such people (and hopefully have given something back, even if its only a laugh here and there), I hope you find the same.