This is one of the more common questions that I get when I let people know that I'm in the middle of or starting a WIP.
"What's your story about?"
Does this annoy anyone else, or am I just too obtuse in the head to answer it properly? It's hard to narrow down enough for me to make people understand, without pigeon holing my work into a specific genre. It's been difficult for me to explain what I have written in a story thus far without falling off the tracks and becoming far too vague to be interesting. That's not to say that it isnt' a relevant and useful question, but it's hard for me to answer, usually.
How do you react to this sort of question?
"What's your story about?"
Does this annoy anyone else, or am I just too obtuse in the head to answer it properly? It's hard to narrow down enough for me to make people understand, without pigeon holing my work into a specific genre. It's been difficult for me to explain what I have written in a story thus far without falling off the tracks and becoming far too vague to be interesting. That's not to say that it isnt' a relevant and useful question, but it's hard for me to answer, usually.
How do you react to this sort of question?