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How necessary is "colorful" language for lending a sense of maturity to a story?

Not sayin it wouldnt but beaver did enter my vocabulary until leslie neilson used it in a naked gun. Prior to that it was kind of way behind other terms i might have used. Beaver was just a beaver. I dont really go for crude vocabulary anyway so…

But kids today are growing up after the Naked Gun movies, and plenty of other pop culture that teaches them that kind of vocabulary. Middle schoolers probably know the alternative meaning of beaver, and if they don't, a peer will enlighten them.


Myth Weaver
Well. Of course. i probably know some terms they dont that fell out fashion. Just a sign of the times. Was reading some posts here where multiple ppl said ‘bleed out’. That used to be said as bled to death. Some where it became more modern to say bleed out. I personally dont like that term but…. Stuff changes. What can you do?


Article Team
It's always fun to peek over the fence at other countries/cultures and into the past. What appears innocent in one context can be very colorful other in another. For example.

Meet, the Transformer Slag. He's a heroic Dinobot. In the UK, Slag is slang for a promiscuous woman. "Here son I got you a slag for Christmas."


I'm sure some remember this unfortunate film. Well, in the UK the title took on a completely unfortunate meaning when you realize "bender" is slang for homosexual. No, Mr. Shyamalan. They are not laughing with you.


But when I see stuff like this, I most definitely wonder if all those colorful accidents from the past are accidents at all. There's no way they didn't know what this looked like even way back in the 50s. Nobody is THAT innocent.
