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Howdy I'm misusscarlet I decided join the forum group due to the fact that I am writing a book :) I am now
halfway. I think. It's only a rough draft though so haven't done much but mostly dialogue with some basic introductions. It's a mash up from different books I read, mostly fantasy. I plan on to make it a series and eventually adding other themes to it like romance and mystery. No I don't have a title for it. Other than that I love to work and spend time with my animals and of course sleep since I work graveyards. I walk everywhere and read as much as I can, I am currently waiting for my next paycheck so I can buy some new books! I look forward to feedback, advice and of course doling it out myself.

peace out!
that sounds cool. What was your first language? Truth be told I can tell it wasn't English, though, don't get me wrong, you have good sentence structure and word choice, and you seem to have a good handle so far, but I can still tell and am therefore curious as to what your first language is (I like languages... a lot). Otherwise, welcome and post some of your work in the show case when you get the chance.


My first language is Sarcasm and second language is English! I also have a little Espanol thrown in when I feel like it. Truth be told if I write something it is not going to be perfect the first time through. I write to write for the sake of writing, then I edit. :)


Misusscarlet my first language is also Sarcasm, my mother is a great teacher of it. Welcome to the boards and I suppose I should mosey on over to the Showcase and read the piece you have there.