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Is the Fantasy genre just a dopamine fix? What makes a Novel ‘intellectual’?


That's an interesting question and tbh... what even is intellectual?

Most "intellectual" novels I read and movies or anime I watched were rather pretentious, also not treating their characters as people but as mere tools for a certain (pretty much on-the-nose) message.
My latest example of this is Dune and to a wider extent Game of Thrones. Lot of people think "grimdark = deep", and you practically can see through the lines Dune patting its own shoulder.

Most of those are also created by male authors that get praise fron other male authors in their own circle. It's the same with "High Literature" you read school that is only called High Literature, because others had approved of it over the span of centuries, and the same time lot of "typical women literature" is still looked down on a lot and seen as shallow and soapy, etc... with a few exceptions inbetween like Jane Austen.

I really like fantasy that takes you on a fun adventure and is at the same time dealing with serious themes and character insight. Most intellectual, if you can call it that, novels and stories from others, that I read were very personal and about personal growth, traumata, bonds to other people ...
But lot of these stories are dismissed by people, who can't get behind these.