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It is dangerous to go alone....


Long time lurker. First time poster.

I have to say I've been really impressed by the positive community I've seen here at MS. I'm looking forward to drawing from all the experience and ideas here (and making attempts to offer some of my own).

It's been a year since I've gotten back into fiction writing after a 10 year hiatus with work, life, laundry, and an impossibly long "To Read" list. Finally exorcising a novel that has been lurking in the corners of my brain and it feels great. That being said, actually writing instead of procrastinating has revealed the awful truth that I really have no idea what I'm doing. That's where you lot come in!

In an attempt to not turn this into an incredibly awkward personal ad here is a list of things about me:

- I have never learned how to swim
- My dog snores and I think it is one of the most adorable sounds ever
- I think poorly of people who put ice in single malt scotch
- I never leave home without a Moleskin
- I have an unhealthy love of office supplies
- I have actually spent 2 hours writing one sentence only to delete it the next day
- My fish always die, except for one... I think he is a serial killer
- Today I learned that the title for someone who practises divination using animal entrails is Haruspex

Looking forward to chatting, encouraging, and possibly arguing with you all.


I have no idea how to add a signature. I would like to have something witty here.

Edit to add:

Mythic Scribes Forums Statistics
Threads 7,577 Posts 106,040 Members 2,222
Welcome to our newest member, Velka

I have no idea why being member 2,222 has made me so deliriously happy! I like even numbers.
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Myth Weaver
Hello Velka
We look forward to chatting, encouraging, and possibly arguing with you too!

I think poorly of people who put ice in single malt scotch
I think they should be hunted down and taught the error of their ways... not that I drink scotch... for me its whiskey or nothing...

I never leave home without a Moleskin
Please tell me you mean the notebook and not the skin of a mole?

Signatures come with age or 5 posts I think...

Again Welcome...


Ah, you too have been - I want to say attacked - by the evils of laundry. Laundry, that most insidious of chores, requiring time management and something good on TV to watch while doing the ironing afterward; that task which cannot be done if you intend to shower in the next hour because the water presssure goes down and leaves the shower cold. Laundry. How I hate it...


Welcome to Mythic Scribes. Like Joe, I hope you meant Moleskine the notebook brand not the animal pelt. Those little things are useful. I always have a notebook of some description with me, not usually a Moleskine though, they're too expensive for me to scribble shopping lists, ideas, movie review notes and so on in, so I've just got a brightly coloured hardback wirebound notebook I got for £1.99 from Sainsbury's in my handbag.

At home I've got a very nice hardback lined notebook that appears to be made by the same people as Moleskin under a different brand (it's got the pocket at the back and was on the same shelf in WHSmith) which I bought a new Parker pen to write in, and now must write something worthy of it...

Anyway, back to welcoming a new member and less of the talking about myself. Yes. Welcome. Get involved, and congratulations on being out 2,222nd member! You win a prize! It's a air guitar! Yay! It'll be in the post to you soon.

J. S. Elliot

Hehe, welcome to MS! Zelda-fan indeed, looks like we already have something in common. Our little chat yesterday was a good one, but I realized I hadn't actually visited your thread. How are you liking the forum so far?

XD, and I have to agree. A dog snoring can be pretty cute. Sentence thing is also unfortunately true for me, so I feel your pain. Also, what type of serial killer fish? ^_^"


Who would have thought dropping an 'e' would lead people to think I skin tiny subterranean mammals? Although I do have to admit I did conjure an interesting, albeit disturbing, mental image of what a notebook made of cured mole skin would look like. Perhaps the grizzled herbalist crone in my story can record her potion recipes in one....