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Lit-Fic Crossover


Myth Weaver
No not really, though there can be an argument for it. Literary implies a certain quality that (coincidentally or not) character-driven or even plotless books fall into. Some of it is also a reaction to "pulp fiction" and its popularity to set things a class apart.

One author who recently transitioned from pulp to literary due to time is Tolkien. The Hobbit was a kids book, and so was Lord of the Rings... Nobody serious reads that drivel. Well, it turns out that serious people do read it and kept reading it until the snobs could no longer ignore LoTR.

An example of two authors who are at the ends of the spectrum, both of whom can be found solidly in Genre categories, are James Patterson and Thomas Harris. Patterson will never run the risk of being called literary by the snobs, I would guess. Harris, on the other hand, with Silence of the Lambs, at least, could easily be considered literary.

One could also go a step farther, and this might be correct, by saying there is something called "Literary Fiction" and then there are Genre books that earn the Literary... so, Literary Romance, Literary Fantasy, Literary Thriller, etc. with Literary Fiction being literary works that fall outside of genre.

I can agree that the term ‘literary’ makes it sound snobbish, but I always thought it was a more character driven narrative, or story driven rather than fantasy heavy - in this case.
Maybe I just wasn’t around for that split shift. Basically if I were to go into a bookstore today, those books I mentioned would probably fall under ‘general fiction’, rather than pigeon holed into Fantasy or Sci-fi sections in their own separate shelves. Been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of going into a bricks and mortar bookstore though…


Myth Weaver
There are not many of those left... I think I have to go to Baltimore to find one. Maybe one of the malls has a book store, but the ones I knew about all closed years ago. And I do miss them. I was always nice to go into a book store.

And how like me....Hey, all those things are fading away. I think I write some books.

🐉 <-- dummy