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Meet the Baldagaar. What do you guys think?

The unhinged brilliance of Lord Solomon knew no bounds, his twisted experiments spiraling into realms of insanity beyond comprehension. Among his darkest creations, born from the depths of his madness, were the abhorrent Baldagaars—monstrous beings whose size and grotesque proportions defied the very fabric of nature. Though their form vaguely resembled that of men, even the mere comparison felt blasphemous. They were something far more sinister.

Lord Solomon's obsession with perfection drove him to desecrate his own creations repeatedly, dismantling them only to rebuild them in more nightmarish forms. Flesh and bone were never enough for him. No, Solomon sought to craft living weapons—embodiments of terror. He replaced their shattered limbs with gruesome mechanical appendages, creations of his sick genius. Steel blades, sharper than death’s scythe, jutted from their bodies, fused to their sinew and nerves, rendering the Baldagaars unstoppable engines of carnage. These hellish machines, forged in the fires of Solomon’s madness, bore weapons so massive, no mere human could wield them—yet for the Baldagaars, they were an extension of their cursed flesh.

Each one a living monument to Solomon’s deranged ambition, twisted figures of pain and fear, roaming The Dread Wastes, seeking whom next, they will devour.


Myth Weaver
The Picture is very nice. Looks like something from Mad Max or warhammer....maybe Alita Battleangel.

The write up is a little too much for me. The language is super strong in a way that the figure just cannot be. I mean, I may not want to fight the creature depicted, but it does not make me insane, and I don't feel the defiling of the very fabric of nature. I think with descriptions like that, its best to let it just live in my imagination where the horror can have no bounds.
I'm a fan. The description definitely makes me want to know more about what Lord Solomon's deal is. I agree with Pmmg though that the flavor text is a bit much. Horror elements are best done by saying as little as possible and letting the reader imagine the scary part in their head. We have the benefit of an image here to give us all the detail we need, he's a big scary guy with surgically implanted weapons. Show us the guy, tell us Solomon made him like that, and the readers will put together the most horrifying way that happened on their own.
Also another to step in with pretty much the same. Good picture and all, but fits not the description. And with pmmg on the fact it looks like something out of 40k, standard issue battle servitor for the AdMech. Or like that mutant dude the Immortals had with them in the movie 300. Or Pudge. Or really just any Butcher coded big baddie that's a bullet sponge.


A bit of a juggling act. Nice. It kinda reminds me of the furries I draw. Duel blades, perpetually stuck to his wrists. Very agile.
I think it terms of practicality - the obvious thing that comes to mind is that those weapons-instead-of-hands would be fairly impractical. How would they deal with basic self care, ablutions and the like? In a battle context they could easily be rendered useless by the right kind of manoeuvre.

If the creature had hands with opposable thumbs for instance, you have a more manipulated weapon, someone who is skilled with the a weapon of choice, and also the ability to manoeuvre around more easily.

The head in relation to the body is small, so do they have the IQ of say a cave troll? Or are they of average to higher than average IQ?

As a general image, as in the artistry skill it’s very good, and the sheer size of the creature would be formidable. But then I have yet more questions, would they be bred in numbers so that you had a certain percentage of dispensable ones? Or would you have a smaller number of skilled warriors?

What food would they live on? How would they consume food with weapons instead of hands? How would they get dressed? Do they perish quickly or live long lives?


toujours gai, archie
I'm more interested in individuals. Do you have a particular character. What is that character's back story? General race descriptions are fine for DnD world building.


The picture is really cool! I agree with pmmg that the writing is a lot stronger though and the picture doesn't necessarily fully match. The wording denotes something way more horrifying and disturbing.
I'm more interested in individuals. Do you have a particular character. What is that character's back story? General race descriptions are fine for DnD world building.
I do have specific characters in mind for the world, but as far as baldagaars, they are just a brutal race that have been designed to be a menace to anyone traveling through The Dread Wastes. I'll post specific characters soon. Thank you.