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Occupations & Ranks in Medieval Lifestyle

BJ Swabb

Hey yall, Though this list would be handy to those who may be looking for occupations and noble / military ranks. Hope this helps.
  1. Armiger
  2. Armorer
  3. Baker
  4. Beast Master
  5. Beast Slayer
  6. Beast Tamer
  7. Baron
  8. Baronet
  9. Barkeep
  10. Archer
  11. Bladesmith
  12. Black Smith / Goldsmith
  13. Brewer
  14. Blade Expert
  15. Butcher
  16. Battleschool Coordinator
  17. Beautician
  18. Butler
  19. Childe
  20. Courtier
  21. Chieftan / Chief
  22. Chief Guard
  23. Chef
  24. Corporal
  25. Captain of the Guard
  26. Earl Marshal
  27. Cotton Farmer
  28. Duke
  29. Dame
  30. Duchass
  31. Dairymaid
  32. Captain
  33. Deckhand
  34. Dragon Rider
  35. Emperor
  36. Empress
  37. Executioner
  38. Earl
  39. East Gatekeeper
  40. Falconer
  41. Friar
  42. Monk
  43. Nun
  44. First Mate
  45. Farmer
  46. Footman
  47. Florist
  48. Gamekeeper
  49. Gardner
  50. Guardian
  51. Gypsy
  52. General
  53. Giant Slayer
  54. Gate Keeper
  55. Garrison
  56. Gladiator
  57. Gladiatrix
  58. Hardboot
  59. Helmsman
  60. Herald
  61. Housemaid / Handmaid
  62. Herbalist
  63. Huntsman / Huntress
  64. Jackey
  65. Jailer
  66. Jarvey
  67. Charioteer
  68. Kingsman
  69. King
  70. Knave
  71. Knight
  72. Linguist
  73. Linkboy
  74. Lorimer / Saddler
  75. Lieutenant
  76. Lance Corporal
  77. Landlady
  78. Lyrie
  79. Lady
  80. Lord
  81. Meneger / Riensmen
  82. Mason
  83. Lumberjack
  84. Merchant
  85. Miller
  86. Mayor
  87. Major
  88. Marquis
  89. Marshal
  90. Marksman
  91. Master
  92. Master of Ceremonies
  93. Mercenary
  94. Midwife
  95. Minstrel
  96. Master of Ministry
  97. Martial Arts Instructor
  98. Messenger
  99. Nomad
  100. Nursemaid / Nanny
  101. Nester
  102. Nurse
  103. Oddity
  104. Oracle
  105. Paladin
  106. Peddler
  107. Cobbler
  108. Peasant / Commoner
  109. Philosopher
  110. Pirate
  111. Prince
  112. Princess
  113. Prophet
  114. Queen
  115. Ranger
  116. Rancher
  117. Rebel
  118. Refugee
  119. Regant
  120. Ragman
  121. Regina
  122. Ritter
  123. Rom
  124. Ronin
  125. Ringmaster
  126. Ringleader
  127. Sewer
  128. Souter
  129. Steward
  130. Stewartess / Stewart
  131. Squire
  132. Scout
  133. Sergeant
  134. Sergeant Major
  135. Shepherd
  136. Sheriff
  137. Slave
  138. Spy
  139. Siegeman
  140. Slave Trader
  141. Skipper
  142. Stableboy / Stablegirl
  143. Seamstress
  144. Tailor
  145. Tatic Specialist
  146. Tutor
  147. Teacher / Scholar
  148. Tanner
  149. Undertaker
  150. Vizier
  151. Advisor
  152. Warden
  153. Watchman
  154. Witch Hunter
  155. Woodmaker
  156. Toymaker
  157. West Gatekeeper
  158. Adventurer
  159. Assassin
  160. Barber
  161. Bard / Minstrel
  162. Bodyguard
  163. Bookbinder
  164. Book keeper
  165. Librarian
  166. Bounty Hunter
  167. Fisherman
  168. Fletcher
  169. Glazier
  170. Hatter
  171. Healer
  172. Inventor
  173. Jester /Fool
  174. Jeweler
  175. Locksmith
  176. Mapmaker
  177. Logger
  178. Prostitute
  179. Ropemaker
  180. Sailor
  181. Sculptor
  182. Shipwright
  183. Shopowner
  184. Shoe Maker
  185. Smuggler
  186. Stonemason
  187. Surgeon / Doctor
  188. Sweet Maker
  189. Tanner
  190. Taxman
  191. Thief
  192. Toymaker
  193. Cheesemaker
  194. Capenter
  195. Miner
  196. Necromencer
  197. Painter
  198. Potioneer
  199. Farrier
  200. Dressmaker
  201. Dentist
  202. Cooper
  203. Cook
  204. Wisewoman
  205. Wheelwright
  206. Weaver
  207. Trapper
  208. Witch
  209. Wizard/ Sorceror / Warlock
  210. Warlord
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toujours gai, archie
Interesting that magical occupations are missing. Mage. Sorcerer. Wizard. This, even though Healer makes the list. And there's a witch hunter, but no witch (which actually corresponds to historical reality <grin>).

Also, it'd be interesting to see if there could be people-specific occupations. Something peculiar, for example, to dwarves or sprites or ogres. I'm not sure it's possible, but it struck me that I've not thought about it before.

I'd point out that "Ritter" is simply German for chevalier, which is French for knight (which in turn comes from a German word). Not really an occupation.

Also, what's a Rom? Siegeman? Childe (but not grown-upe)?

There are other oddities but now it just feels like complaining, so I'll stop. Thanks for the list.

BJ Swabb

Siegeman- one who builds siege weapons and war towers.
Rom- a gypsy man or boy
Childe- youth of noble birth

Ritter is a young knight, so basically a knight is a rank and an occupation for noblemen.

BJ Swabb

Looks a lot like the career list from 'Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay'
Not sure what that is. I made the list by hand. I have the proof that I did the work. Once I get the chance I will edit this and place in the description of each one. But for now I don't have the time.


toujours gai, archie
Sure. If it's your own list (and I am not questioning that), you get to make each mean whatever you want it to mean.

I would, however, be a little cautious about using Rom, especially to mean gypsy. Do a bit of research on that one.

BJ Swabb

I found that in the dictionary. That's where I found the word for Rom. Rom means "human being," "man," and "husband," thus paralleling the use of the word "man" in English. "Rom" and "Gypsy" are used interchangeably Because for the Rom the English term carries none of the negative connotations it has for many non-Gypsies.
Sure. If it's your own list (and I am not questioning that), you get to make each mean whatever you want it to mean.

I would, however, be a little cautious about using Rom, especially to mean gypsy. Do a bit of research on that one.


Myth Weaver
Not sure what that is. I made the list by hand. I have the proof that I did the work. Once I get the chance I will edit this and place in the description of each one. But for now I don't have the time.
'Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay' is an old pen and paper RPG. 'Careers' are the equivalent of 'character classes' in other roleplaying systems. The career lists varied a bit with each new edition. Still:



toujours gai, archie
>Not sure what that is.
Warhammer is a huge (I do not use the word lightly) fantasy war gaming world. Over three hundred novels associated with it, just to throw out one example to illustrate the size of this beast.

It's fine by me if an occupation list is similar to some other list. Pretty much unavoidable, imo. I could, in fact, sneer that a Warhammer 40k list sounds like a list of DND occupations, which in turn sounds like a list of medieval occupations.

I do think it would be useful to make two lists. One of "real" occupations such as farrier or baker, and a second list of "fantasy" occupations such as battlemage or witch hunter. The former is rather mundane (*chortle*); one could say quotidian (more chortling). The latter, though, could be some fun to construct. I'm not sure I've ever seen one. Most lists jumble it all together.

BJ Swabb

'Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay' is an old pen and paper RPG. 'Careers' are the equivalent of 'character classes' in other roleplaying systems. The career lists varied a bit with each new edition. Still:

Hmmm. Okay well I didn't know that. Good to know. I only known about D&D RPG. Haven't really started RPGing into this year so I'm still new to it all. I just looked there, and there are things there that are not on my list. Though I think my list is a little longer. Maybe not. I didn't count.

BJ Swabb

>Not sure what that is.
Warhammer is a huge (I do not use the word lightly) fantasy war gaming world. Over three hundred novels associated with it, just to throw out one example to illustrate the size of this beast.

It's fine by me if an occupation list is similar to some other list. Pretty much unavoidable, imo. I could, in fact, sneer that a Warhammer 40k list sounds like a list of DND occupations, which in turn sounds like a list of medieval occupations.

I do think it would be useful to make two lists. One of "real" occupations such as farrier or baker, and a second list of "fantasy" occupations such as battlemage or witch hunter. The former is rather mundane (*chortle*); one could say quotidian (more chortling). The latter, though, could be some fun to construct. I'm not sure I've ever seen one. Most lists jumble it all together.
Prehaps I will take that challenge on. Once I have the time that is. For now that is what I got. Eventually I will put down definitions for it all.


Myth Weaver
Just gonna say, Role Playing Games, like Warhammer and D&D, have lots of material on this type of stuff. They've been at it a long time, and mostly try hard to get it right. Lists of monsters, and occupations, and buildings one might find in a city, and well...all of it, is out there. Even if you don't play, they would still be valuable to a writer.

Many years after the fact, I still look to things like the WIlderness and Dungeoneers survival guide for there take on things. And the other books on occasion--though all my stuff is 1ed.

You can choose not to use it, but it is kind of reinventing the wheel to do so.
Just a note on the fact that a ‘peasant’ was just a term for a farmer, and a ‘commoner’ would not have been an equitable term.


See, I've got the same criticism here as with the races thread though it's even worse since randomly rolling a job for a background character is even less applicable than rolling their race. Your writing would probably be better served learning how medieval society operated and what their needs & wants would be than by having a big list of jobs. I suppose it is at least numbered in case you do want to roll for a character's job after all.

BJ Swabb

I was just trying to help people out by giving the list I had made a while back. Figured it could be useful to someone instead of them running around the internet to look for things. There was an old forum with this samething, only that forum was all over the place as far as occupations and such, it was really long, and people kept naming the same stuff. I just made a list of what is already said. Just made it where people didn't have to go to the old forum to look for one. That is all. Didn't see the harm in it. If you have an issue with it, just move on and don't look at it. That is all I have to say about that.


toujours gai, archie
No harm at all. It's true there are other lists around. There is, however, value in a person doing this sort of thing for themselves, even before the step of sharing. So, not fruitless.

That said, whenever you undertake revision, do have a look around, if nothing else to see other ways to organize the information. All the best!


Myth Weaver
I was just trying to help people out by giving the list I had made a while back. Figured it could be useful to someone instead of them running around the internet to look for things. There was an old forum with this samething, only that forum was all over the place as far as occupations and such, it was really long, and people kept naming the same stuff. I just made a list of what is already said. Just made it where people didn't have to go to the old forum to look for one. That is all. Didn't see the harm in it. If you have an issue with it, just move on and don't look at it. That is all I have to say about that.

No harm, we are trying to help you out. If you are spending a lot of energy creating these lists, you might find it useful to find sources of others who have also done it. As a resource, your list is quite extensive. I dont know that I could pop off 200 occupations out of the top of my head. But I do carry a pretty good list of them from a lifetime if interest in fantasy.

As many here had a RPG background, many have seen the RPG sources. I dont know how many monsters D&D has come up with, but they have like 10 or more books full of them. Same with occupations, city buildings, spells, items in a shop, and just about all of it. They also have many charts to help you pick them randomly.

And its not just them. There are websites that show all of these things as well.

I'd love to fill out your list, but 200 items seems near exhaustive to me. If you are looking for more, there are some sources.

I dont see artist or writer on your list ;)

BJ Swabb

Okay so I told you all that I was going to type up and get together the occupation and rank definitions. Well here it is! I made this list because I myself had a hard time with looking at many areas on line, with flipping from one page to another for definitions. I found making the list myself was beneficial to me so I didn't have to jump from one page to another to look for information. Now this is all basic definitions, not into real details. But still here it is and I hope this help you all!

List of Occupations and Ranks

  1. Armiger- one who cares and carries a knights/ king’s armor
  2. Armorer- one who fixes and takes invatory of armor, blades, bows and shields
  3. Baker- one who makes breads, pastries, cakes and pies
  4. Beast Master- a gladiator who challenges beasts
  5. Beast Slayer- a mercenary who fights beasts for money
  6. Beast Tamer- one who can magically control monsters and beasts
  7. Baron- lowest rank nobleman
  8. Baronet- rank between baron and knight
  9. Barkeep- one who serves beverages in a bar / tavern / pub
  10. Archer- one who shoots a bow and arrow
  11. Bladesmith- one who makes bladed weapons
  12. Black Smith – one who makes and repairs things from iron
  13. Goldsmith- one who makes gold articles
  14. Brewer- one who brews beverages
  15. Blade Expert- one who inspects and handles bladed weapons
  16. Butcher- one who cuts and sells meats
  17. Battleschool Coordinator- one who manages and runs a battle school
  18. Beautician- one who cuts hair
  19. Butler- a male servant
  20. Childe- youth of noble birth
  21. Courtier- companion for royalty to court
  22. Chieftan / Chief- ruler or leader of a tribe / clan
  23. Chief Guard- highest rank in security
  24. Chef- one who prepares meals and serves food
  25. Corporal- soldier rank right below a sergeant
  26. Captain of the Guard- rank below a chief guard of security
  27. Earl Marshal- a hereditary royal officeholder and chivalric title under the sovereign
  28. Cotton Farmer- one who tends to cotton fields
  29. Duke- highest nobleman
  30. Dame- a female knight
  31. Duchass- wife of the duke
  32. Dairymaid- who / girl who tends to dairy cows and make milk products
  33. Captain- person in charge of a ship / army officer rank below a major
  34. Deckhand- seaman who works manual labor
  35. Dragon Rider- one who rides dragons and protects the lands appointed to them
  36. Emperor- a man who rules an empire
  37. Empress- a female who rules an empire
  38. Executioner- one who puts one to death
  39. Earl – British nobleman
  40. East Gatekeeper- one incharge of security of the eastern gate of a city
  41. Falconer- one who hunts / tracks with hawks and eagles
  42. Friar- a man vowed to live in in poverty
  43. Monk- men who living accordingly to the rules of a religious organization
  44. Nun-a member of a religious community of women, especially a cloistered one, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  45. First Mate- sea captain’s assistant
  46. Farmer- one who manages and owns a farm
  47. Footman- one who opens doors and assists individuals in and out of carridges and wagons
  48. Florist- one who grows and sells flowers
  49. Gamekeeper- one who cares and protects beasts and animals
  50. Gardner- one who cares for lawns and gardens
  51. Guardian- one who guards something
  52. Gypsy- a wandering traveler
  53. General- a senor officer
  54. Giant Slayer- one who slays giants
  55. Gate Keeper- one incharge of a gate
  56. Garrison- soldiers who stay in town / fort to defend
  57. Gladiator- a man forced to fight in arenas
  58. Gladiatrix- female gladiator
  59. Hardboot- a soldier on horseback
  60. Helmsman- seaman who steers the helm of a ship
  61. Herald- official who announces and carries messages
  62. Housemaid / Handmaid= a female servant
  63. Herbalist- one who has knowledge of herbs and medicine
  64. Huntsman / Huntress- one who hunts animals for food or game
  65. Jackey- a sailor
  66. Jailer- keeper of a jail a correction officer
  67. Jarvey- driver of a horsedrawn vehicle
  68. Charioteer- one who drives a chariot
  69. Kingsman- one who assists a king and protects him
  70. King- man who rules a country though inheriting the position
  71. Knave- a dishonest man; a rogue
  72. Knight- a warrior of high social rank clad in armor
  73. Linguist- person who is skilled in many languages
  74. Linkboy- one who holds a torch
  75. Lorimer / Saddler- one who makes and fixes saddles
  76. Lieutenant- a deputy or chief assistant
  77. Lance Corporal- rank between private and corporal
  78. Landlady- a woman who rents rooms for lodging
  79. Lyrie- one who lights street lamps
  80. Lady- a noble woman
  81. Lord- a noble man, a master or ruler
  82. Meneger / Riensmen- one who trains and ride horses
  83. Mason- one who builds with stone
  84. Lumberjack- one who cuts and sells lumber
  85. Merchant- one who is involved in trades
  86. Miller- one who grins wheat and grain
  87. Mayor- one incharge of a council in a town or city
  88. Major- rank above captian
  89. Marquis- nobleman ranked above earl
  90. Marshal- one who supervises a ceremony / officer of very high rank
  91. Marksman- expert in shooting a target
  92. Master- male warden or teacher
  93. Master of Ceremonies- one who the speaker at a formal event
  94. Mercenary- one who is hired to kill for money
  95. Midwife- one who looks after pregnant women
  96. Minstrel- a traveling singer
  97. Master of Ministry- one who overseas departments of ministries, judges at court cases for the ministy
  98. Martial Arts Instructor- one who teaches fighting techniques
  99. Messenger- one who delivers messages
  100. Nomad- one who searches for pastures
  101. Nursemaid / Nanny- a woman who looks after children
  102. Nester- a wise old man
  103. Nurse- one who is trained to look after illed or injured people
  104. Oddity- a strange individual involved in entertainment purposes
  105. Oracle- a wise knowledgeable advisor
  106. Paladin- knightly champion
  107. Peddler- sales person

BJ Swabb

  • Cobbler- shoe maker
  • Peasant / Commoner- one who belongs in a farming community / poor individual
  • Philosopher- expert in study of truth, life, morals and more
  • Pirate- thieves and beggers who sails on a vessel
  • Prince- son of a king or queen
  • Princess- daughter of a king or queen
  • Prophet- one who makes prophecies
  • Queen- a women who rules a county inherited by family / king’s wife
  • Ranger- hired spy or warrior to do jobs that must be done with secret
  • Rancher- one who tends to livestock
  • Rebel- who one fights against rulers of a country
  • Refugee- one who was faced to leave their homes due to war, persecution or famine
  • Regant- one who is appointed to rule a city or country while the monarch is too young or unable to rule
  • Ragman- one who gathers and sells rags
  • Regina- a queen
  • Ritter- a young knight
  • Rom- a man or boy gypsy
  • Ronin- samarai warrior who wanders
  • Ringmaster- one in charge of a performance in a circus
  • Ringleader- one who leads others in a rebellion
  • Sewer- servant
  • Souter- shoemaker
  • Steward- one who looks after a ships passengers
  • Stewartess / Stewart- one who rules a country or city temperarily
  • Squire= youn noble who serves a knight or king
  • Scout- one sent out to collect information
  • Sergeant – soldier incharge of others
  • Sergeant Major- one ranked right above a sergeant
  • Shepherd- one who looks after and cares for sheep and goats
  • Sheriff- chief law officer of a county
  • Slave- one who is property of another to do their bidding
  • Spy- one who secretly works for another or country to find out information
  • Siegeman- one who builds sieges, and war towers
  • Slave Trader- one who sells slaves
  • Skipper- one who acts as a master or captain of a ship
  • Stableboy / Stablegirl- one who does manual labor in stales of stables
  • Seamstress- one who measures another to be fitted for clothing
  • Tailor- one who makes and measures clothing
  • Tactic Specialist- one who has expertise in stragegizing for battles and wars
  • Tutor- one who teaches and helps one study
  • Teacher / Scholar- one who teaches academics to children
  • Tanner- one who make and tans hides and leather objects
  • Undertaker- one who cares and arranges funerals, ceremonies, and buriels
  • Vizier- one who gives wisdom and advise to a king, queen or emperor
  • Advisor- one who gives wisdom
  • Warden- one who supervised or cares for wanted child / wards
  • Watchman- one who stands watch over a place, person, or building
  • Witch Hunter- one who hunts and kills witches
  • Woodmaker- one who makes things out of wood
  • Toymaker- one who makes toys out of wood
  • West Gatekeeper- one who secures the west gate of a city
  • Adventurer- a person who enjoys or seeks adventure.
  • Assassin- a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons.
  • Bodyguard- one who protects another
  • Bookbinder- one who binds books
  • Book keeper- one who keeps record of financial affairs of a business
  • Librarian- one in charge of a library
  • Bounty Hunter- one who hunts people for profit
  • Fisherman- one who fishes and sells fish
  • Fletcher- one who makes and sells arrows
  • Glazier- one who fits glass into windows or doors
  • Hatter- one who makes and sells hats
  • Healer- one who uses magic, herbs or medicine to heal injured or sick people
  • Inventor- one who creates inventions
  • Jester /Fool- a professional joker or “fool” at a medieval court
  • Jeweler- one who makes jeweler and sells it
  • Locksmith- one who makes and repairs locks
  • Mapmaker- one who makes and sells maps
  • Prostitute- one who gives sex for pleasure for money
  • Ropemaker- one who makes rope
  • Sailor- one who job it is to work as a member of the crew of a commercial or ship or boat, especially one who is below the rank of officer.
  • Sculptor- one who makes art from different material like clay and stone
  • Shipwright- one who builds ships
  • Shopowner- one who owns and sells products in a shop
  • Smuggler- one who smuggles goods
  • Surgeon / Doctor- who who cares and practices surgery for one who is injured or sick
  • Sweet Maker- one who makes and sells sweets
  • Taxman- one who collects money for the city, and kingdom
  • Thief- one who steals
  • Cheesemaker- one who makes and sell cheese
  • Capenter- one who builds with lumber
  • Miner- who who digs for gems, granite, oil, gold in caves for profit
  • Necromencer- one who practices magic / a wizard or magician
  • Painter- one who creates images from pasty liquids of color
  • Potioneer- one who makes potions
  • Farrier- a craftsman who trims and shoes horses' hooves.
  • Dressmaker- one who makes dresses
  • Dentist- one who cares for teeth
  • Wisewoman- a woman considered to be knowledgeable in matters such as herbal healing, magic charms, or other traditional lore.
  • Wheelwright- one who makes and repairs wheels
  • Weaver- one who weaves fabrics
  • Trapper- who who traps animals
  • Agitator- are active supporters of causes
  • Coachman- a driver of a horse drawn carridge
  • Footpad- a highwayman operating on foot rather than riding a horse.
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BJ Swabb

  • Gambler- one who plays card games or chance games for money
  • Grave Robber- one who digs up graves and steals from the dead
  • Herdsman- one who leads sheep, cows, or horses
  • Muleskinner- a driver of mules
  • Outlaw- a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.
  • Outrider- a horseman who goes in front or beside another to protect and guard
  • Rat Catcher- who who catches and kills rats and mice
  • Troll Slayer- one who slays trolls
  • Mage- a magician
  • Loremaster- A wise person with knowledge of lore in any number of topics, such as history, genealogy, ancient poetry and possibly magic as well.
  • Beekeeper- one who tends to bees, collects honey and sells it
  • Astrologer- person who uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future
  • Bookseller- one who sells books
  • Bricklayer- one who lays bricks to build
  • Brick Maker- one who makes bricks
  • Buckle Maker- one who makes and sells buckles
  • Brothel Keeper- a woman who runs a house of prostitution. synonyms: madam.
  • Brigand-a member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains.
  • Chandler- a dealer in supplies and equipment for ships and boats / a dealer in household items such as oil, soap, paint, and groceries.
  • Cartographer- one who draws or produces maps
  • Chatelaine- a woman in charge of a large house
  • Clock Maker- one who makes and sells clocks
  • Concubine-a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives.
  • Counselor- one who listens and gives advise to ones problems
  • Courtesan- a prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients
  • Crossbowman- one who uses a crossbow
  • Cutler- one who makes and sells cutlery
  • Daimyo- one of the great lords who were vassals of the shogun.
  • Dictator- a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force
  • Dancer- person who dances or whose profession is dancing.
  • Eunuch- a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas in an Asian court.
  • Fishmonger- one who sells fish for food
  • Glovemaker- one who makes and sells gloves
  • Grocer- one who sells food
  • Harness Maker- one who makes and sells harnesses
  • Hay Merchant- one who sells hay
  • Hermit- person living in solitude as a religious discipline
  • Highwayman- a man, typically on horseback, who held up travelers at gunpoint in order to rob them.
  • Historian- an expert in or student of history, especially that of a particular period, geographical region, or social phenomenon.
  • Innkeeper- one who runs an inn
  • Lady in Waiting- a woman who attends a queen or princess.
  • Longshoreman- one who loads and unloads ships at port
  • Majordomo- chief steward of a large household
  • Man At Arms- heavily armed and mounted soldier
  • Masseur- a person, especially a man, who provides massages professionally.
  • Mercer- a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials.
  • Mortician- an undertaker
  • Page- a young male attendant or servant, but may also have been a messenger in the service of a nobleman.
  • Pariah- an outcast
  • Pastry cook- one who cooks and sells pastries
  • Pigkeeper- one who cares for pigs
  • Pilgrim- a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.
  • Pharaoh- ruler of Egypt
  • Potter- one who makes and sells pottery
  • Reeve- presiden of a village or town council
  • Pursemaker- one who makes and sells bags
  • Musketeer- a solider who carries a musket
  • Shaman- a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits,
  • Silversmith- one who makes silver objects
  • Spice Merchant- one who sells spices
  • Wetnurse- a woman employed to suckle another woman's child.
  • Wine Seller- one who sells wine
  • Baler- one who makes hay, and cotton into bales
  • Breeder- one who breeds animals
  • Master of Horses- the third officer of the royal household, after the lord steward and lord chamberlain.
  • Master of Hounds- a person responsible for the maintenance of a pack of foxhounds and the associated staff, equipment, hunting arrangements, etc.
  • Pathfinder- person who goes ahead and discovers or shows others a path or way.
  • Firebreather- entertainer who plays with fire
  • Draper- one who sells cloth and dry goods
  • Pimp / Madame- A procurer, colloquially called a pimp (if male) or a madam (if female, though the term pimp has still extensively been used for female procurers as well) or a brothel keeper, is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings
  • Town Crier- person employed to make public announcements in the streets or marketplace of a town
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