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Occupations & Ranks in Medieval Lifestyle

BJ Swabb

  • Coinsmith- one who makes coins
  • Bowyer- one who makes and sells bows
  • Candlemaker- one who makes and sells candles and lanterns
  • Furrier- one who makes clothing and items from fur of animals
  • Restorer- one who restores documents, scrolls, or maps
  • Gamefighter- engages in arena matches in which animals or monsters are pitted against one another, typically to the death
  • Count / Countess- someone who falls in the middle of the social hierarchy—not quite at the level of a king or queen, but far more impressive than the rest of us commoners.
  • advocate-person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy
  • Marquess / Marchioness- ranks above an earl and below a duke
  • Master of Coin-is in charge of the royal treasury, advises the monarch on financial matters, and is responsible for raising money to meet the Crown's needs.
  • Master of the Revels- an executive officer under the Lord Chamberlain. Originally he was responsible for overseeing royal festivities.
  • Notary- person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions.
  • Orator / Spokesman- a public speaker
  • Spymaster- head of an organization of spies
  • Viscount / Viscountess- nobleman ranking above a baron and below an earl.
  • Ward- minor children or incapacitated persons
  • Chimney Sweeper- one who cleans chimneys
  • Groundskeeper- one who cares for graveyards
  • Knacker- a person whose business is the disposal of dead or unwanted animals, especially those whose flesh is not fit for human consumption.
  • Laundry Worker- one who does laundry
  • Water Bearer- One who carries water; specifically, one whose business is the convey ing of water from a spring, well, river, etc., to purchasers or consumers.
  • Enchanter / Enchantress- person who uses magic or sorcery, especially to put someone or something under a spell.
  • Medium / Psychic- is said to have psychic abilities but not all psychics function as mediums. The term clairvoyance, for instance, may include seeing spirit and visions instilled by the spirit world.
  • Fortune Teller- a person who is supposedly able to predict a person's future by palmistry, using a crystal ball, or similar methods.
  • Seer-a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds.
  • Sage- one (such as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
  • Witchdoctor / Voodoo Doctor- a traditional healer and diviner, especially one who claims to guard against or cure afflictions thought to be caused by spirit possession or witchcraft.
  • Admiral- a commander of a fleet or naval squadron, or a naval officer of very high rank.
  • Bailiff- sheriff's officer who executes writs and processes and carries out distraints and arrests.
  • Bouncer- One who is hired to secure a tavern or bar
  • Castellan- governor of a castle
  • Calvalryman / Cavalier- soldier in an army who fights in a tank, or (especially in the past) on a horse
  • Constable- a peace officer with limited policing authority, typically in a small town.
  • General - a commander of an army, or an army officer of very high rank.
  • Quartermaster- military officer responsible for providing quarters, rations, clothing, and other supplies
  • Sapper- soldier responsible for tasks such as building and repairing roads and bridges, laying and clearing mines, etc
  • Sergeant at Arms- a knight or armed officer in the service of the monarch or a lord. / official of a legislative assembly whose duty includes maintaining order and security
  • Siege Artillerist- A soldier in the artillery
  • Slave Driver- person who oversees and urges on slaves at work.
  • Botanist- one who studies plant life
  • Drakologist- one who studies dragons
  • Scribe- person who copies out documents
  • Cabbie / Wagoner- driver of a horsedrawn wagon
  • Cabin Boy / Cabin Girl- boy or girl employed to wait on a ship's officers or passengers
  • Ferryman- one who stirs and maintains a ferry on the river
  • Grooms- one who take care of horses
  • Chancellor / Chaplain- - government's chief financial minister and as such is responsible for raising revenue through taxation or borrowing and for controlling public spending
  • Chamberlains- officer who manages the household of a monarch or noble.
  • Chambermaids- maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms
  • Laundresses- one who is employed to launder clothes and linens
  • Master of Wardrobe- one who prepares and maintain all clothing, and supervises wardrobe staff
  • Valet- normal servant responsible for the clothes and personal belongings of an employer, and making minor arrangements.
  • Scullion- a kitchen servant employed to do menial tasks (especially washing)
  • Seneschal- a steward of the household of a medieval prince or nobleman who took charge of domestic arrangements, etc.
  • Trumpet Player- would be used to help deliver messages and signal the time.
  • Roofer- One who works on roofs
  • Belt Maker- Makes belts and sells them
  • Spurrier- one who makes and sells spurs for horsemen
  • Birdcatcher- hunts birds, sells them.
  • Writer- one who writes books, and important documents for history and teachings
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