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One Word Powers


Mostly I'm going to just use this thread as a sounding board for my ideas on the powers or Gifts for my characters in my stories, like always though, questions, comments, and sugggestions are apreciated.

The basic idea is that when somebody is near death, there's a chance a Godlike being called an Arcana will approache them and offer them a contract, a second chance at life, a unique power called a Gift, and a handful of lesser powers... at the cost of having to fight monsters determined to kill them.

My current idea is to have the Gifts be a single word, theoretically they could do anything dealing with their word, but in practice most are limited by their interpretation of that word, and a main part of getting stronger is broadening that interpretation.

Some examples;

-Boundaries: The main character's gift, mostly used just to create barriers, I imagine just scratching a line in the dirt becoming an invincible shield, but with more experience he can manipulate conceptual boundries, teleporting by manipulating the boundry between here and there, destroying stuff by manipulation the boundry between exists and doesn't, walking through walls by erasing the boundry posed by that wall, etc. Very game breaking, but that's really hard to do, mostly he just focuses on barriers.

-Life: The gift of the main character's partner. She tends to use it to just increase her strength and speed and heal herself when hurt, maybe occasionally tossing a heal at one of her companions. She could extend it to creating and controling biological monstrosities, or even control conventional life, disabling people by increasing their senses or reflexes to the point that their body can't handle it, make them sick by buffing the bacteria in their body, or even give them cancer by setting their body to heal without an end point. Mostly though, she just uses it to make herself stronger to beat people up.

-Light: The power of the head of the hero's organization, who ends up being the big bad. He has the most experience with his power. He can use it to travel, well, anywhere, moving at the speed of light. Turn invisible, create holograms, make lasers, all sorts of neat game breaking stuff. One of the few ways to beat him would involve the MC's power to lower the speed of light, manipulating the boundries of it's max and minimum speed.

-Money: I've actually impressed myself with this one ^^ Most people with the power of money would just telekinetically control it or create more of it. The character with it veiws money differently. He views money as a physical representation of energy. People WORK for money. As such, he can use money as fuel to do... just about anything. Want to heal somebody? Need some gear? Just about anything else? It just costs some cash.

-Explosions: The power of the main character's team leader. Mostly used destructively, just causing things to explode or contarywise implode, or protect people from explosions. However, years of experience with her power has made it ultra precise, she can control who gets hurt from her explosions, how much they get hurt, and even where they fly after the explosions. She could litterally blow up a house and have all the lumber, metal, wiring, etc, land in neat little piles, or use it for more mundane applications, creating a small explosion to launch a bottle of beer into her hand, or powering a combustion engine, like her car with her explosions.

-Books: I'm still thinking about this character, she mostly just uses her power to access the Akaishic Records, filling an otherwise blank book with information about... whatever she's looking for. This provides complete information on whatever subject, even stuff that hasn't been discovered with, however the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming, she has to look for the right questions instead of the the right answers. She can also physically enter the Akaishic Records by entering the gap between two bookshelves, I'm thinking it'd be something like L-space from Discworld, but she has to be careful to not anger the Bookworms, guardians of the Akaishic Records, which appear as giant armored worms the size of a train, able to phase through matter. Extending her power she could telekinetically control books and paper (actually that's pretty simple but she doesn't use it for combat often) or even take people into the worlds of books.

-Bread: Part comedy relief, part example of what a truly versitle mind can do with their Gift. They can control EVERYTHING about bread, it's shape, size, hardness, etc. Basically, a Green Latern ring so long as they have a piece of bread. Baguette swords, bun sheilds, giant gingerbread men robots, cookie shurikens (maybe extend to pastries?) They can also turn stuff into bread, but can't manipulate bread created that way like they can manipulate normal bread.

-Sword: So far just a minor character's power. They can turn stuff into a sword, improve swords to give them almost supernatural powers, is almost undefeatable while holding a sword, etc.

-Voyeur: He can see... stuff. By looking through lenses, either a vide camera lense, normal camera lense, telescope, or even his glasses, he can see through stuff, see in the darkness, see distant places, see people's thoughts, etc, and so on. I might change it to Sight but, I dunno, I like voyeur better.

-Craft: The ability to create all kinds of machinery, even stuff that seems magical. Giant robots, Lasers, Teleporters, and so on, as well as the ability to examine, understand, and recreate systems. This character is vital to understanding and recreating the seemingly supernatural abilities of the monsters and empowered people and adapting them to human technology.


Insight - the ability to read between the lines or deduce subtle clues about a given situation.

Waffle - can tie up an opponent in irrelevant, seemingly endless conversations, from which they're poweless to extract themselves, being reduced simply to nodding in agreement / tutting and shaking their heads in sympathy or saying things like 'Oh, really?" and "That's terrible." and "Kids today!"