Can you give me some information, or recommend me some resources about the prices of various things throughout different historical periods. I'm mostly interested in what my main characters can afford with their incomes and not the exact prices. In other words what was expensive and what was cheap. Things i'm especially interested in;
-cooking utensils
-alcohol- beer,ale,cider,wine,rum,other
-fancy clothes
-winter clothes
-animals(horses,farm animals,pets,exotic pets)
-decent weapons
-glass jugs
Historical periods that im interested in- early middle ages, middle ages,15 century, 18 century, early 19 century,
-cooking utensils
-alcohol- beer,ale,cider,wine,rum,other
-fancy clothes
-winter clothes
-animals(horses,farm animals,pets,exotic pets)
-decent weapons
-glass jugs
Historical periods that im interested in- early middle ages, middle ages,15 century, 18 century, early 19 century,