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A friend and I have started our second draft of a book we're writing together and I was wondering how many drafts people tend to write before they're pleased with the entire thing? I'm certain we'll write a third and probably a fourth, but is there a general number of drafts people stick to or do they just keep rewriting until they're happy with the outcome?


Felis amatus
I try very hard not to rewrite. I'll do a first draft, then go back through and pick out problem areas to fix, and then call it done :)


The number of revisions will be very different for each author. Where Steerpike performs minimal rewrites, I do several. Each rewrite I do is focused towards a specific improvement... Description, natural sounding dialogue, characterization, etc.


Myth Weaver
It varies.

Currently, I'm in the process of bringing my older works up to par. So, counting those versions as the 'first draft', I find I'm usually looking at two rewrites.

The tales I do for the challenge stories now...those are much, much quicker: a first draft, and then a second draft for edit and minor plot fixes.

That said, there are parts of some works where I'm up to something like seven or eight rewrites.