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Hello there. Welcome to Mythic Scribes. You appear to have misunderstood a few things:

1. This is the introductions forum - so let's hear something about you! Who you are, where you're from, what you like to read, etc. The other parts of the forum are for asking for advice and so on.

2. From the topic of the book you're writing, it seems that it's a self-help book. We're a fantasy writing forum. Even if you regard the perfect person to be a fantasy (ie not real), this is a forum about the fiction genre fantasy (with common features including magic swords, dragons and vampires). If it is self-help you're trying to write, you might find forums focussing on writing non-fiction, psychology, relationship counselling and similar topics more useful than one about writing fantasy.

If I have misunderstood and you want to write a fantasy story about someone finding the perfect person, then feel free to start a thread in the Writing Discussion section about what you're looking for help with. You might want to be more specific about the ideas you're looking for though.
I assume your book is a fantasy, because you're not going to find a perfect person, and this is a board for fantasy writers.

So let's brainstorm. A perfect person would be an illusion, of course, possibly a Sidhe. He would be hoping to lure you back to his fairy mound or stone circle (plenty of stone circles in an urban setting). Rather than having years or decades go by, you'd return almost immediately, which fits our mania for instant gratification and keeps you in the same setting. During your time in Sidhe lands, you'd learn a glamour or two or get a magic item. You might return to your old life, forever changed--or you might become an agent of (or enemy of) the Sidhe.

You may have something here. It could be an urban fantasy masquerading as a dating guide, the way the gnome books masqueraded as gardening handbooks.


Welcome to the Scribes,

In my admittedly jaded opinion there is no such thing as the perfect person. Everyone needs a flaw or two that makes life interesting.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
HA! well you're certainly in the right place then... sounds like a fantasy. If you however want some pointers on what not to do, I'm a great source for dating blunders.

Sticking with the fantasy motif, it would depend on the character. If you are an orc, you have a very different set of characteristics you are looking for in a mate than if you were, say a female werewolf who accidentally broke her last three boyfriends... hmmm maybe those two should get together.