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Reworking my beginning

Caged Maiden

Article Team
I'm a big fan of redemption stories. In that same story I mentioned earlier, with the men fishing, the young man dreams of being a paladin, a holy knight held to the highest moral standards. But he's become fanatical and alienates himself from his friends and family because he's so hung up on his own beliefs.

So yeah, he goes through a jerky phase but gets a chance to redeem himself through the journey. I'm not really sure how your journey shows your character's redemption, but sometimes you have to have a character go down a dark path so their return to the light has more impact. Just be careful not to go too far and lose your believability. it sounds like you know your characters pretty well.


Myth Weaver
I'm not really sure how your journey shows your character's redemption, but sometimes you have to have a character go down a dark path so their return to the light has more impact. Just be careful not to go too far and lose your believability. it sounds like you know your characters pretty well.

Well, in this case it's not that he really *goes* down a dark path; that dark path is just all he's known. It's a matter not of going back to the light, but finding it in himself after seeing it in others, as well as recognizing and rejecting the darkness in himself.