Earlier I said dictation software probably wouldn't be worth it. I'm revising my opinion - or at least open to the idea that I could be wrong. I recently purchased a new phone, a Droid X. It has built-in voice recognition software, and it works like a CHARM. Seriously, even two years ago voice recognition was crappy. Now this thing comes along and can perfectly parse the sentence "All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot" (and lots of other tests I ran it through) with some background noise.
I am impressed.
Interesting. I think best when I'm walking and can't stop to write, and have often considered getting a little handheld tape recorder or something to take notes, but if you dictate passages about talking to dragons while walking along people think you're nuts.
Personally everything starts off on pen and paper, whether it is in a notebook or is just loose-leaf is another matter. Then actual text gets transferred to yWriter 5 and notes on worldbuilding/characters/anything else related to the story gets inputted into a program called Tiddlywiki, its basically a wiki that is saved on your computer. I like it because you can link related topics. I highly suggest it for organizational purposes.
I just looked that up. I'm using this thing from now on!
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