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The New Guy


I saw a banner ad for these forums when I was trying to find some likeminded writers, and I just had to join. I've been browsing them for about a week and just found the Introduction threads. So this is me introducing myself.

My name is Craig. And I haven't written any fantasy or even any stories. The only thing I've ever written is a bit of poetry. I enjoy writing though and have been thinking up ideas for short stories and some charaters and creatures to use. I'm hoping to expand it out a bit. Make something different than the regular fantasy stuff, but I guess we'll see!

I look forward to reading and writing on here and getting feedback from what I do end up posting.


I mostly just write whatever comes into my mind at the time I start. There are a couple that could be considered Speculative Fiction though.

I've played with the idea of writing poems to show some of the history of the world my short stories would be in.

Thanks for the reply!
