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THe Old World - WIP

THought I would stick this up, a timeline of Rustica, the main setting in my world. My story begins just before the Armeon Wars.

Darkness Falls — World and Warriors

The Old World — Made up of seven Kingdoms:
- Rustica — Capital City is Vermont
- Atrea — Capital City is Tranquility
- Tallon — Capital City is Falmur
- Küuläracht — Capital City is Rägnik
- The Grogan Empire — Capital City is The White City
- Hel — Capital City is Stûrmgaard
- Velonnia — Capital City is Velon
History and Politics
Rustica is the largest and most populated of the seven kingdoms, and probably the most diverse. The known world was mapped out from Vermont over 500 years ago by the explorer Piettre the Great and as such the Nautical Navigation Authority is located in Vermont and all time zones are taken from the same city, known as VCT (Vermont Calculated Time). The modern calendar also originates from Vermont, developed by a recluse scholar known as Diomese, published a few decades before Piettre the Great embarked on his famous voyage. Diomeses’ calendar was first used by Piettre and since then the modern year counting is known as AD (After Diomese). Rustica has a rich history and is chronicled from the earliest of days, and thus is considered the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms. The Grogan Empire contest this and believe, due to their military might, that The White City, known in the native tongue as Albareth, should be the capital of the Old World. Rustica and Vermont remain strong allies with the Elves of Tallon and the sea faring nation of Atrea. Küuläracht remain neutral and are largely left to their own devices. Relationships with the arrogant Grogans remain strained and are not on good terms at all with Hel. The conflict between Hel and Rustica (The Sloan War in 546) has left bitter tastes in the mouths of both nations. The barbarians of Hel, who were slaughtered by the forces of Rustica, are taught to hate Rusticians from schooling age, even though the war happened over 500 years ago. The politicians of Rustica still try in vain to improve relations to this day. Velonnia remains a strange land for it is the only nation where magic is accepted as a practiced art and not illegal.
Timeline for Rustica
0000 — Diomese first modern day calendar in Vermont.
0022 — Piettre the Great embarks on the Fantastic Voyage using Diomeses’s calendar to record his trip. Later to discover and map the known Old World.
0085 — Cartographers finally replicate and reproduce Piettres’ maps. Vermont becomes the nautical centre for the Old World.
0086 — The Deviant Army rises to capture knowledge from the Vermont Sea Scholars. War of the Defiant begins.
0087 — Great Library is destroyed in the War of the Defiant. Vine the Merciless accepts to be City Protector Absolute.
0088 — War of the Defiant ends as King Gauldrac is captured and publically executed on Tower Hill in Vermont. Plans to rebuild the Great Library begin.
0091 — Great Library is rebuilt by order of Vine the Merciless. Vine crowned King as government shifts to Monarchy.
0095 — Treaty signed with the Tallonic Elves and Atrea. Trade and power increases in Vermont.
0099 — Chaudric Chapel is commissioned.
0101 — Growing popularity in the new sport of Death Ball gives rise to official governing body: The DBLA (Death Ball League Association).
0129 — King Vine marries Queen Victoria of Atrea. Magnar is conceived.
0130 — Prince Magnar is Born.
0132 — King Vine falls ill and his health deteriorates. Desperate for another child, Queen Victoria conceives again.
0132 — Twins Percival and Marianna are born. Queen Victoria dies in childbirth.
0133 — King Vine dies from tuberculosis. Warden Michael named Keeper of the Crown.
0144 — Warden Michael dies in hunting accident. Crown is unclaimed until one of the Princes comes of age. Percival preferred over the brutal and bad tempered Magnar. Magnar begins to plot against his brother.
0145 — War of the Boy Kings. Civil war breaks out in Rustica as two brothers, Percival and Magnar fight for power. The oldest, Magnar was only fifteen years old, Percival, the youngest, just thirteen.
0156 — War of the Boy Kings is over as Percival is murdered in his Royal Palace at the age of 24. Magnar the Red named as king.
0160 — Magnar the Red suicides at just 30 years old. Marianna named as the first ruling Queen of Rustica.
0161 — Marianna marries Duke of Cuffley. Theonna conceived.
0162 — Princess Theonna is born. Bravil conceived.
0163 — Prince Bravil is born.
0190 — After stepping down at the age of 58 after a 30 year reign, Queen Marianna is known as Marianna the Blessed as her reign saw no conflict. 27 year old Prince Bravil named King.
0193 — Marianna the Blessed dies of natural causes at the age of 61. Public holiday announced for years to come named as Queens Celebration Day (5th Lund).
0200 — Bravil marries Baroness Constantine. No children conceived.
0202 — Bravil discovers Constantine is infertile and has her beheaded.
0203 — Bravil marries Lady Mary of Maradoc. Later executed for providing no children. Age of Execution begins.
0204 — Bravil marries a reluctant Elven Princess, Averia. Averia conceives a child. The first Elf Queen Rises.
0205 — Prince Harrin is born. Averia dies in child birth. Bravil mourns the death and never remarries but fathers several illegitimate children.
0228 — Prince Harrin, pressured from political parties, brands his father, Bravil, a Usurper and the Black Weekend Uprising begins. Bravil is removed from his throne and executed for frolicking with lower class citizens.
0229 — Highest number of executions in history is recorded at Tower Hill for the year. John of the Weald rallies common folk in the north to rebel against Prince Harrin ‘Half-Blood’.
0231 — Rise of the North Lords. John of the Weald marches south to the Royal Palace in Vermont. Sacking royalist towns and recruiting those who despise Prince Harrin. Harrin sends a token force to meet John at Regalhead. Battle of Regalhead is recorded as one of the most bloody conflicts ever seen. Harrins’ troops are rallied and those that are captured are shown mercy and treated well by John. Harrins prisoners are tortured and executed, numbering 137 souls.
0232 — Three years after the initial uprising, John of the Weald reaches the gates of Vermont. John requests parley but is denied by Harrin. John lays siege to Vermont and lasts seventeen days. After fierce fighting and a tactical stalemate, John is Assassinated in his sleep, ending the siege. Harrin captures 1001 of the enemy and beheads every one of them, mounting their heads on spikes outside the Palace gates. Survivors returning to the North send John of the Weald to martyrdom, and St Johns Day declared a public holiday (June 6th). The grotesque sight outside the palace gates earn the entrance the name Head Pole Gate and the moors beyond, Headless Hill.
0233 — Harrin urged to declare peace. Harrin obliges.
0251 — Harrin the Executioner dies without heir from Tuberculosis at the age of 46. The Throne remains uncaimed.
0253 — An Elven Prince sends word to Parliamentarians that he is rightful Heir to the Throne being a direct descendant of Queen Averie. Parliament rejects the claim. Awoan, the Elf Prince informs Parliament that he will be “visiting” Vermont.
0255 – Prince Awoan breaks camp outside the city walls of Vermont with an army of 30000. Negotiations begin. Vermont sends word to Rägnik requesting assistance. Jarl Benisson sends a token force of 500 Storm Guards. Parliament request assistance from the Hellians. The realm of Hel remain silent.
0253 – After 10 months of engaging with Awoan, war is declared when the Slaughter of the Gods children occurs. Awoan invites the 500 Storm guards into camp. They are brutally murdered by the elves and invokes the rage of Jarl Benisson. Parliament having become careless and idle, are not prepared for war. Prince Awoan marches into the centre of Vermont. Parliament surrenders the city. Jarl Benisson orders 40000 men to march south to Vermont. Hel secretly plots to steal Vermont from the Elf Lord.
0254 – Awoan, the Prince Lord, is declared ruler of Vermont and the Seven Kingdoms. Hel remains silent. Tallon, Küuläracht and the Grogan Empire all send armies to wrestle the Elf from the Throne. Velonnia remains independent. The War of the Crown begins, known later as The Uprising.
0256 – Awoan is defeated by the Alliance of Four and returns to his homeland. The Elves are virtually destroyed and the seeds of hatred are sown. For many the war is over, but now internal conflict begins as the Alliance of Four all make claim to rule the 7 kingdoms
Jarl Benisson stakes the strongest claim. People fear being ruled under Norse edicts. Internal conflict ensues between Benisson of Küuläracht, Emiir of the Grogan Empire, Talhollan of Tallon and Alfred, Lord Defender or Vermont.
0257 – Awoan slowly rebuilds his army whilst the Alliance of Four crumbles. Talhollan is ordered out of Vermont, persecuted for being an Elf and in league with Awoan. Emiir and Alfred try and wrestle the Throne from Benisson
0266 – 10 years of Norse rule has seen much crude architecture rise, and fall, in Vermont. The populace is unhappy as more and more Norse citizens cram within the already overcrowded city walls. Sewerage covers the streets as the underground sewer system buckles under the strain of the overcrowded city.
0267 – The great plague consumes Vermont. 2 thirds of the population are killed. Benisson and Emiir suffer the same fate. Alfred remains to claim the throne of the desecrated city.
0277 – King Alfred is crowned king. Alfred reveals plans for a cleaner, bigger city.
0281 – Alfred has emptied Vermont’s coffers, the noble quarter benefits from cleaner sanitation, streets and buildings. Poorer quarters are neglected and decay. Vermont’s boundaries have increased but most buildings are unfinished or derelict.
0282 – King Alfred is assassinated. A 14 year old boy, Cassius Mortlake sits on the empty throne. He is mistaken as an heir and Mortlake plays along until the web of deceit becomes too great. Cassius Mortlake is crowned.
0283 – Rise of the Boy-King – Mortlake’s’ juvenile innocence wrenches at the hearts of the people. Wanting peace and for “Everyone to get along”, he unwittingly causes the Bluewater Agreement. Küuläracht, Hel, The Grogan Empire, Velonnia and Atrea all sign the peace treaty. Tallon remains silent.
0293 – Mortlake takes Princess Josephine as his wife. Prince Jorge conceived.
0294 – Prince Jorge is born. Princess Izelda conceived and born later that year.
0323 – 40 years of peace!
0327 – Mortlake the Boy-King dies from pneumonia. National holiday is declared as the world mourns its greatest king. Jorge crowned King.
0328 – Jorge is overthrown when it is leaked he has been having an incestuous relationship with his sister, Princess Izelda. Jorge imprisoned and Izelda is executed. The Mortlake dynasty is over and the Dark Age begins.
0330 – The March of Hel. Hels’ ruler, Emperor Armeon descends upon Vermont as the Bluewater Agreement is now void. The largest army the world has ever seen, some 80000 strong, easily overrun Vermont and any citizens are slaughtered. Hel captures Vermont and the Armeon Tyranny begins.


The timeline is a bit hard to read. I'd advice more spacing or more use of bolded letters.

And to be honest, you may want to cut down on a timeline a bit. Will all of this be of importance to the story? I feel a bit overwhelmed when looking at it, as someone with no pre-knowledge of the world I'm reading about.

Also you write that Velonnia is the only place to accept magic. On what scale do you imagine that magic lies? For example I think that it would take just one warlike and ambitious guy to steamroll the rest of the world if magic is really powerful and no one else takes advantage of it. And when looking at real history, I can't think of a single lasting state of medium or greater power that didn't have some warlike leaders.

On the positive I like the names you use as they sound distinct from each other but not like they can't possibly exist in the same culture. I especially like the names of the countries of cities.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Unlike what Gurkhal said, I would keep all of the history in.
If a writer loves Worldbuilding then it does not need a reason besides worldbuilding. The more you do it, the more you will love the world you've created, the better the reader's experience. That being said. Make sure you do not overwhelm the reader with your vast world. Keep all this information in mind, but slowly introduce your readers to the relevant parts. This way, you do not scare off the average fantasy reader, while still having a world to explore for those who like that sort of thing (me).


Unlike what Gurkhal said, I would keep all of the history in.
If a writer loves Worldbuilding then it does not need a reason besides worldbuilding. The more you do it, the more you will love the world you've created, the better the reader's experience. That being said. Make sure you do not overwhelm the reader with your vast world. Keep all this information in mind, but slowly introduce your readers to the relevant parts. This way, you do not scare off the average fantasy reader, while still having a world to explore for those who like that sort of thing (me).

Forgive me, but I never said you couldn't keep everything in your head. I claimed I couldn't keep everything in my head.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
There seems to have been a bit of a confusion then, sorry. You stated that he might want to cut the timeline down. I interpreted that as cutting it down for himself, not the reader.


Ok, I thought you were saying that I had said that you couldn't take in the whole timeline, while I meant that I had difficulty to do so. I hope we've cleared things up now. :)


Just a quick note (sorry, historical timelines divorced from plot aren't particularly grabbing to me) but Vermont is the name of a state in the US. Regardless of its etymology, it's going to seem mundane and out of place in a fantasy world to any US or US-familiar readers.
Thanks for the replies all.

Sorry for the format, was posting on the fly and was a copy and paste from another document. Believe me, in reality it looks a lot tidier with the right formatting.

THis piece is just an insight into the world where my story is based. I know some people get bored of history and background, and others enjoy it. I am one of those that enjoy creating a rich history and besides, you cant please everyone, eh? ;)

I may change Vermont as the city, but it isn't high on my agenda yet, so may do that later down the line. The story I am writing right now is towards the end of the timeline when the Mortlake Dynasty is over and the empire is on the brink of war after 40 years of peace. I will post some snippets for review as soon as I reach 5 posts!