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The Qu (All tomorrows) or AM (I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream)?


Pretty straight forward, what do you think of them, who do you think is worse, the Qu or AM? If you were a powerful enough, how would you deal with 'em? If you were them, what would you do? The same or would you use your abilities in a more honorable/ more evil way?


Myth Weaver
Pretty straight forward, what do you think of them?

I had to look them both up.

Who do you think is worse, the Qu or AM?

Both are terrible in their own way. I would prefer to have the computer AI problem and not the giant insect one.

If you were a powerful enough, how would you deal with 'em?

Giant sized Raid, or pull the plug.

If you were them, what would you do?

Avoid me from the answer above.

The same or would you use your abilities in a more honorable/ more evil way?

I would try not to use my powers at all.

I dont know what to do with something like these. They are so beyond the power of individuals to deal with, that there is really nothing to do. I can think of things that might be good to use against them--for the Qu, a bigger monster, a black hole, a giant sun, Godzilla....and for AM...well, a meteor strike might help, but....really, I think you just pray and hope there is divine intervention, and get ready to be assimilated or become dead. If I am lucky, I will find someone else who wants to spend a last weekend in an enjoyable way before the end.

Maybe a computer virus could take out AM.

If I was to ever have such power, it would be hard to say for certain what I would really do. I kind of think things should be left to run their natural course without interference from me. But....I might play favorites ;)


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Given the parameters of AM's programming, I don't think you could have AM (as in the one AM who grew to dominate all others) without its overwhelming disdain for humanity. So the question of what I would do as AM must necessarily be exactly what AM does. The machine, although sentient and sapient, is constrained by being a military AI that, although being more intelligent than any human, still is subject to its faulty programming. Meanwhile, the Qu can be presumed to act the way they do because of the culture their civilization is organized by. There is a potential reality where the Qu would not behave as the Qu do. Furthermore, although I believe some of the horrors the Qu inflict are more despicable than that of AM (namely the colonials), they do not inflict such horror on all of humanity and notably leave room for humanity to evolve and regain their prior position as an interstellar (group of) civilization(s). AM on the other hand leaves no room for humanity to reconstitute itself. In short, the Qu are less destructive on humanity and had the theoretical potential of not being destructive in the first place. Thus, the Qu are less horribly bad than AM.