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Timeframe Issues


I noticed a lot of fantasy-style books are written in a midevil timeframe, like Lord of the Rings, Eragon, etc. I plan to involve werewolves to some extent and other legendary creatures. However, my writing is much better when it's set in a futuristic society - like a Star Trek, or Star Wars timeframe. Would the sci-fi setting screw up the fantasy plot? Or would it be an interesting twist. I've even considered an accident that preserves the character until a much later date, kind of like Captain America, but more drastic. Thoughts? They can be positive or negative. I would just like some feedback.


Closed Account
Do it, I love genera mash-ups! My book has futuristic a "star-fairing" race with robots and lazers, yet the majority of the book is in a more fantasy setting. The love idea of magic and science mixing together, it provides for some interesting concepts. Find a way to make it work, and do it!


Thanks! That's exactly what I thought, I just wanted a second opinion. Now...what about aliens? I have three in my pocket right now, but I haven't been able to use them.


Myth Weaver
King David's Spaceship by Jerry Pournelle has three main timeframes. There is a sort of medieval setting, another similar to the late 19C / early 20c europ or America and one with very advance Star Trek type technology.
The majority of the story is on a pseudo medieval world and the disparity [in technologies] between this setting and the MCs late type Victorian home-world is part of the story and is exploited by the MCs to their advantage.
I don't just mean they turn up with Machine guns and kill everyone, but that the "advanced" culture [that is supposed to be in control...] doesn't see a difference between [say] a Hand gonne and a matchlock musket so doesn't understand what the MCs are really doing...