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Well Hello There

Hello everyone. My name is Bass_Thunder37, but you may call me Bass, or Thunder. Whichever you desire. I'm an aspiring worldbuilder and writer with a disorder I like to call "Writer's A.D.D." It's like a long term version of normal A.D.D. I get completely obsessed with one writing project for like, one month, then get some cool new idea, and stuff the rest away in a box. But no longer! I intend to see this current project all the way through! But I want to make sure it's good, and I need other writers' input for some of my ideas. So that's why I joined. I hope this site advances my skills, and that I'm able to share my own.
I intend to make some very soon. Well, it's official. My reception on this site is much better than what I received on the last forum I joined. I've received a positive reply, and no flame wars have arose from me mentioning Poland. That's not a joke, I seriously had to leave another forum recently, because my asking about notable features of Polish culture brought about so many Polish jokes, that every Polish member of the site got enraged, and everybody began to kill each other. You don't make fun of the Poles here, right?