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Dark Souls: I've made my aquitance with Artorias the Abysswalker and got a big sword smacked in my head. But I'll be back!


I was hoping to take up Dark Souls again and get Manus' hide for my trophy room but at the moment I'm not finding the oppertunity to do so due to RL issues.

Hopefully I'll take this on in the future.
Have ended up back in the world's of Fallout and Stellaris, both of which have rekindled a bit of a want to write Science Fantasy and maybe more retro future Science Fiction style. BG: 3 is also still there, almost to the end of Act 2.


I'm back with Dark Souls and got Manus down to 50% of the HP. Then he started to throw magic around and I died. But I shall persevere!
From videos one of the tricks may be to keep being close to him as to make him do normal attacks more than casting spells at me.
I have played (and beat thanks to the assist mode) Another Crab's Treasure. Very much a soul's game. So something for Gurkhal to look into after.
Been enjoying the Hades 2 Early Access immensely. Despite not being done, it has more than enough content to the point that I feel like I've only scratched the surface of all the possible combos and runs. Still a bit unbalanced, with some weapons and boons very obviously superior to others, but that comes with the territory.


Short update on that I've dodged and smashed by way to the final boss by now. So after I've settled this business with Gwyn I'm doe with this playthrough.

But I am not done with Dark Souls by a long shot. :D


Finished Gwyn and took another ending.

I also finished the game with five levels less than the first time so I count that as progress.

EDITED: I should mention that I've started a new game with the character "Albrecht the Black Templar".

Its time to purge some witches...and take on Priscilla the Half-Breed and the Stray Demon.
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