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What is the one thing that would make you stop writing?

I was going to say loss of all my fingers, and it would have been quite funny, but Physcotick stole it, and he has got quite a scary name, so I'm not gonna say anything :)
Maybe the loss of my computer, My handwriting is terrible, and its harder to listen to music or watch funny videos on YouTube by writing on paper- to anyone who does write using paper and pen, I salute you, yet think that you might be a bit silly :)

A. E. Lowan

Forum Mom
Whoah, dude... thread necro!

But, seriously, I would have to say "death." Writing is the only thing that keeps me as sane as I am, so, yeah, can't quit. It is the monkey on my back and I love it.


Full-time ANYTHING does it for me: school, work, etc. I tend to commit myself entirely to something - so when I did university, it was all uni-work and no play. Now that I work full-time instead, I find myself doing the same thing...it really cuts not only into writing time, but inspiration and motivation, if you're not careful.
All the times I stop writing whatever I was working in the time was because of problems (in the emotional-social field) in my life where I had to turn all my will and strength to someone else, and in all those times I never being able to continue that particular work.