In Defense of Peter Jackson

Since the announcement that The Hobbit will be a trilogy, the Internet has been abuzz.  The Tolkien fan base has been divided into two camps: those who are elated at the news, and those who believe that it’s a terrible idea. Those who are apprehensive of the films becoming a trilogy have raised some valid … Read more

Writing Character-Driven Fantasy

A key element of any successful novel is a cast of vivid, compelling characters.  I recently discussed the topic of character development with author Frank LaVoie, whose debut novel Firesoul has been praised for its colorful characters.  We also chatted about the special importance of characterization in the sub-genre of High Fantasy. You are an … Read more

Is YA the Death of Epic Fantasy?

This article is by Frank LaVoie. For those of you not familiar with the YA moniker, it refers to the genre of Young Adult literature. In the realm of publishing, it is most often coupled with the word ‘fantasy’, thus denoting a fairly specific breed that has proven its popularity in the form of the Harry … Read more

Is Imitation Integral to Fantasy?

As a twelve year old boy I resolved to write my first fantasy epic.  Through months of toil I hammered out a draft and set it aside. When I returned to it, I was surprised to discover just how unoriginal it was. The plot borrowed heavily from The Lord of the Rings, with strong shades … Read more

Who’s Killing Fantasy? You Are!

I recently took my daughter to buy some books in a rather large UK book chain and was dismayed to discover that the Fantasy section had all but disappeared. Whereas a decade or more ago it took up an entire wall, it’s now reduced to shelf space maybe eight feet long, if that. What’s worse, … Read more

Fantasy Writing and the Spiritual Quest

Many fantasy writers experience our craft as being more than a hobby, or even a career choice.  For us, it is a calling. On my tenth birthday I received a precious gift: a hardback edition of The Hobbit, illustrated by Michael Hague.  This marked my first foray into fantasy literature, and it irrevocably touched my life. … Read more